
"Kara! Wake up!", Aisha yelled and shook the body of the teenage girl. "Something's wrong with Bloom!"

Kara slowly opened her eyes and quickly got up after seeing the fear in her friend's eyes, she hadn't been sleeping for too long she only got back from the rooftop. "Where is she?"

They ran to Bloom's room. She sat on her bed; her eyes had this milky white color. Kara has never seen anything like it. She laid her hands on Bloom's red hair and focused on her magic. The brown color of her eyes changed to purple.

Kara saw a bright light and a monitor with a heart rate on it, there were doctors, and she heard a baby screaming. She was in one of Bloom's memories. Her birth? A woman appeared but Kara couldn't see her very well, she focused more. She concentrated and gave everything she had, and the woman got clearer and clearer. She said something.

Kara didn't quite understand, so she used her powers to rewind and listened more carefully this time.

"When time comes, find me!"

The vision blurred more, and Kara lost it, she jumped a little back, and Bloom's eyes went back to their normal color. Kara's breath was heavy.

"What the fuck just happened?", Aisha asked and looked worried at Bloom and then at Kara who was still a little in shock.

"I think I just saw the fairy who left me in the human world.", Bloom answered. She looked at Kara, "Were you in my mind? Did you see it too?"

Kara nodded shortly.

"Yes", she answered quietly.


Kara, Bloom, and Aisha walked through the school on their way to their next lesson. The shock of last night was still visible, especially since Bloom was now determined to find the fairy she had seen in this sort of vision.

"Kara, you are good at memory manipulation, just show me again!", Bloom said, and Kara shared an annoyed glance with Aisha.

"I know, Bloom, that you want to find her, but it's really exhausting going in someone's memory and then I would have to search for it and I would surely find a memory that you wouldn-- "

"Look at this, maybe she's on one of these pictures!", Bloom said and looked closely at the black and white pictures on the walls in the hallway. Kara slightly threw her arms up in the air and searched for help in Aisha.

"Not again Bloom!", she said.

"I know, I know!", Bloom exclaimed, "It's hard to see what someone's gonna look like when they're old, but- "

"There are a lot of fairies in the other world Bloom", Kara said.

"Well, you said the most powerful ones come through Alfea, right?", Bloom said.

"I mean, yeah, technically, Alfea  looks for magical potential when they admit fairies, but, yes, powerful fairies come through the school," Kara explained.

"This woman embedded a memory in my head 16 years ago. That seems pretty powerful!"

"If that is what happened," Aisha said and looked her seriously in her eyes.

"What else could it be?", she asked, then she looked to Kara, "What else could it be?"

"Look, Bloom, we just don't want to get your hopes up."

"The night I opened myself up to magic, I got a memory. She said "find me", Aisha. She put me there for a reason, right Kara?", Bloom asked and looked her in the eyes. Kara nodded a little. "I know she is too old to be my mom, but one of them at least has to know who she is."

memories | a fate storyWhere stories live. Discover now