Chapter 10: The Ties that Bind

Start from the beginning

As Jennie said it, Lisa could see a bit of fear in her eyes. She knew right away that Jennie was still afraid of being rejected.

Lisa gave Jennie a tender kiss. "You are my chosen mate and the woman I love and I am proud to be those things to you."

Jennie reached and grabbed the bottom of Lisa's shirt, pulling it up and off her body. Lisa shivered as the cool breeze drifted across her exposed skin. Jennie then reached behind Lisa and removed her bra, letting her breasts fall free.

Jennie's heart began to pound as she gently touched each of Lisa's breast's. "Every part of you is beautiful."

Jennie looked at Lisa and smiled. "I can smell your arousal, you're already wet. I love that smell."

Lisa couldn't smell anything but the faint vanilla scent of the candles around the room.

The stood up and let her pants and underwear fall to the floor, where she kicked them to the side. Jennie took a full 30 seconds just eyeing Lisa's naked form. Lisa could see the look of hunger form in Jennie's eyes.

Lisa took Jennie's hand and pulled her off the bed to a standing position. Her heart was pounding on top of that she could feel forces moving in her that she didn't totally understand.

"If it helps Lili, just think of me as a girl who loves you very much." Jennie said, knowing Lisa was still a bit nervous.

Lisa slowly undressed Jennie, pulling off the brunette's top first. The bra came next and was tossed across the room. Lisa paused for a moment and ran her hands up Jennie's chest. She could feel the craving for Jennie's flesh. That craving for contact, it was like a high when her cool hands ran across Jennie's warm skin.

Lisa closed her eyes for a moment and realized she would never be with anyone else again. It was a strange but very comforting thought. She quickly removed Jennie's pants and underwear, leaving the lovers standing naked in front of each other.

For what seemed like an eternity, the pair faced each other. Doing nothing else but gazing longingly into each others eyes.

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