After their warm reunion, Alex turned his attention to me and handed me a Pandora bag. Perplexed, I accepted the unexpected gift and slowly opened it. Inside, a note lay nestled amongst tissue paper, instantly capturing my attention. After I read the heartfelt words on the note my doubts and uncertainties regarding Zane completely faded away.

Dear sugarplum, I was supposed to give this to you in New York. But I know you would be wondering what I was doing in Pandora after you read those texts. So instead of telling you, I'm just going to show you."

The anticipation swelled within me as I unveiled the contents of the box next to the note. Before me lay the most exquisite bracelet I had ever seen, its intricate design sparkling with delicate beauty.

With a heart full of gratitude and affection, I reached for my phone and quickly composed a message to Zane, eager to express my appreciation.

"I know you're in a meeting right now, but I just had to tell you how much I love the bracelet. It's absolutely stunning. Thank you," I typed, a smile spreading across my face as I pressed send.

Zane had a remarkable talent for surprising me with thoughtful gifts, always finding a way to make me feel cherished and loved.

As I waited for his response, a wave of gratitude washed over me. It was moments like these that reassured me of the depth of our connection and the love we had for each other.

Shortly after, a familiar chime notified me of an incoming message. I eagerly unlocked my phone to read Zane's reply. "You're welcome, sugarplum. I'm glad you like it. It's just a small token of my affection for you," his text read, punctuated with a heartfelt emoji. His words resonated deeply within me, filling my heart with warmth and dispelling any lingering uncertainties.

As we arrived at the sushi place for dinner, Alex, always the joker, couldn't resist teasing Angelica about her stalking habits. "You should never listen to Angelica," he quipped, addressing the events of the previous night. "She's a bad stalker and will only give you half stories."

Angelica wasted no time in delivering a well-deserved whack to the back of Alex's head. He winced and rubbed the spot, feigning injury. "Ow!" he exclaimed, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You have a lot to say for someone I caught flirting with his work wife." Angelica hissed, not mincing her words. "I was not flirting and she's not my work wife. She's fifty five!" Alex yelled.

Indulging in their amusing exchange, I chuckled, thoroughly entertained by their drama. Third-wheeling with Angelica and Alex always had its moments of hilarity and excitement.

Alex turned his attention back to me. "Are you and Zane officially a thing?" he asked, a hint of mischief evident in his voice. I paused for a moment, contemplating our status. "I guess so," I replied, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

In an exuberant outburst, Alex couldn't contain his excitement, hitting the table with glee. "Yes!" he shouted triumphantly. "Ivan owes me five thousand dollars."

I raised an eyebrow, utterly perplexed. "For what?" I asked, genuinely confused.

Amidst his laughter, Alex explained, "So, we made a bet at Milan's wedding. I said that you and Zane would get together in less than a year, but Ivan insisted it would take at least two years because you don't easily forgive. Well, looks like I won!"

The absurdity of their bet left me dumbfounded, and I couldn't help but slap my face in disbelief.

Boys will be boys.

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