I grinned and took a sip of the steaming Starbucks drink, savoring its familiar flavor. Zane and I engaged in lighthearted banter as we indulged in the delicious pastries. It felt like old times, comfortable and effortless.

As we relished our treats, Zane explained that he was in California on a business trip and had seized the opportunity to visit me. It warmed my heart to know that he made the effort to see me amidst his busy schedule.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I asked him about the nature of his work that had brought him to California. Zane shared some insights into his current project, revealing his passion and dedication.

Our conversation drifted to catching up on life since we last saw each other. We laughed and reminisced, feeling a sense of comfort in each other's presence.

Eventually, Zane's gaze turned earnest, his eyes holding a hint of longing. "Sugarplum, are you free tonight?" he asked tentatively.

I sighed and glanced at my busy schedule for the day, filled with meetings and deadlines. It seemed almost impossible to carve out time for anything else.

"I wish I could, Zane, but I have such a packed schedule," I replied, a tinge of disappointment in my voice.

He looked at me with pleading eyes, and my heart softened. I knew how rare it was for him to ask for something, especially with that vulnerable look on his face.

"Okay," I relented, a smile forming on my lips, "I can make some time for you tonight."

His face lit up with a mixture of relief and excitement. We quickly made plans to meet for dinner at a cozy restaurant. I could already feel the anticipation building within me.

"Sugarplum, there's something I need to tell you," he began, his voice filled with excitement. "Angelica and Alex, they're planning to get married."

My eyes widened in surprise. "Married? Already? But they're so young!"

Why was my best friend keeping this from me?

Zane nodded, his expression filled with both amusement and affection. "Yes, they are. Angelica mentioned that being a part of Milan's wedding gave her wedding vibes. She wants to wait until she graduates, but after that, they're ready to take the next step."

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Angelica and Alex's love story progressing. It felt like just yesterday we were all carefree high school students, and now they were planning their future together.

But Zane wasn't finished yet. "There's more," he continued, his tone becoming more animated. "The Billionaire Boys Club is hosting a grand ball, and guess what? You're invited and you better show up!"

My eyebrows shot up in surprise and curiosity. "Really? And when is that? You know I have a busy schedule, Shaw."

Zane's face lit up with excitement as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a sleek, black invitation. He handed it to me, and I carefully unfolded the embossed card to read the details.

"The ball is in two months, Sugarplum," Zane explained eagerly. "I know you have a busy schedule, but trust me, this is an event you don't want to miss. It's a chance to mingle with influential individuals, expand your horizons, and showcase your talents."

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