a hard day's work (912 words)

586 16 3

Spencer x reader (not smut)
Murderer spencer :)
Cw: implied workplace sa/harrasment

Spencer and I sit next to each other at the bar. He has a glass of whiskey in front of him, I have an empty martini glass.

"hey, Justin, another round please?" Spencer says to the bartender. "oh, make mine the same as his." I add.

The bartender nods and moves to get our drinks.

"you're getting 3 fingers of rye whiskey?" Spencer asks, concerned.

"yeah, I'd honestly rather not be sober after what happened at work today," I say.

"what happened? Was it that one guy again? I promise if you just tell me his name I can report him for you!" He says, his mood shifting quickly.

The bartender sets our drinks in front of us.

"yeah, it was. I swear Jeremy is such a fucking creeper! I just want to go a full week without him trying to fuck me! It's awful! I've told him no so many times!" I say, trying not to yell.

"so his name is Jeremy, of course, his name is fucking Jeremy!" Spencer says, getting mad with me.

"honestly if he doesn't leave soon I will. I just can't deal with him anymore!" I say.

"Well, how about you drink your drink, I'll drink mine, call us a cab home, and we can watch Friday the 13th and imagine all of the counselors as Jeremy," Spencer says.

"Sure, sure," I say, laughing.

We finish our drinks and get a cab back home. I was drunker than I thought I was because as soon as we walked inside I almost tripped over my own feet.

"Woah, hey are you okay?" Spencer says as he catches me.

"yeah, yeah I'm fine! I feel great!" I say. Wow. I'm really drunk.

"y/n I think your shitfaced, not fine. Maybe we skip the movie and just go to bed." Spencer says.

"mmmm but why?"

"Because you should change before the last drink really hits you," he says.

He follows carefully with his arms out to catch me while we walk to the bedroom.

I flop down on the mattress and close my eyes. Spencer kisses my forehead and says "I'll let you sleep it off."


The next morning I wake up in different clothes than I fell asleep in, neatly tucked under the blanket.

I slowly sit up and quickly realize I'm extremely hungover. I slowly stand up and make my way to the kitchen.

None of the lights in the house are on, most of the rooms and hallways are lit with plastic fake tealight candles. The kitchen and living room are the only rooms with normal candles lighting them.

I see spencer standing in front of the stove, but I can't tell what he's cooking.

"Spencer?" I say, still groggy and rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"y/n, you're awake! Here I made you breakfast." He says, handing me a plate of scrambled eggs with bacon. "And some orange juice and Tylenol to help you with your hangover," he says, holding up a glass of orange juice in one hand and a bottle of Tylenol in the other.

He walks out towards the living room and I see his food and drink already on the coffee table. He set down my drink and the Tylenol before sitting in front of his own food.

"what's with the candles?" I ask, shoving my food into my mouth.

"I'm a little hungover too, but it's not bad." He says.

I recommend putting on the news but spencer puts on a cooking show. We finish eating and the meds start to kick in. My headache goes away fairly quickly.

"thank you spencer, really. You didn't have to make me breakfast" I say.

"mmm, but I wanted to because it makes you happy." He says.

"you make me happy, spencer," I say.

"Don't be cheesy" he says. He kissed me quickly before picking up both of our plates and bringing them to the kitchen.

I turn on the news and after a few minutes of minor stories, spencer returns and sits down. Then the breaking news catches my eye.

"Body found in nearby river believed to be Jeremy hadenson, aged 46."

"I have to call some people. Shit-" he says, getting up and walking out of the room. I just stare at the TV as I watch them play a slide show of his wife and kids.

He was married?

I can hear spencer talking on the phone in the kitchen, but I can't understand what he's saying.

My phone starts blowing up with text messages, mostly from co-workers. I have one from my boss that just says

"meeting, everyone, 10:00, Monday."

I turn off my phone and throw it to the other side of the couch. I just know he's going to tell us we should pay respects, but I don't plan to. It's sad sure, but he was awful.

I put my head in my hands and sink into the couch. I hear spencer walk up behind me. He puts his hands over my shoulders and gently kisses my cheek.

"Are you okay?" He asks quietly.

"yeah, yeah, I'm fine. What if they think I did it? I didn't but what if--" my mind starts racing. spencer can't get tied into all of this, it could ruin his career.

"Hey, hey, y/n I know you didn't do it. I just talked to my lawyer, and asked if he knew anything about the case, they think it was a serial incident." He says.

"right, right," I say, trying to control my breathing.

"look at the bright side, he can't harass you, or anyone else now," Spencer says.

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