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Marines seem to have power over what happens in the world yet there power barely compares to that of the higher beings, the gods of this world.

The Celestial Dragons.

The Five Elders.

And Imu.

You wonder if anyone in the family knew of Imu existence as they were only known by the Five Elders and a few selected others. Doflamingo may suspect there is someone higher than him later on but you yet to know.

Though you could think about that later there are a few problems you must get to first.

'How the fuck did this kid become a literal giant. His parents don't even reach 6 feet I bet but these two brothers are 3 meters tall! Sengoku raised Rosinante and Doflamingo grew up with those in the Donquixote pirates but that doesn't add up to them being so tall. Genetics in one piece makes no sense' you sigh.

Being tall would be a blessing to some people but there is no way in hell you are going to be 3 meters tall. Doflamingo can be as tall as he wants, you just want to be at a reasonable height.

'Ugh, there is the torture and missions I need to prepare for. Even though this body will soon feel no pain doesn't mean that I can't die' you think as you watch the birds flying next to the ship.

A Celestial Dragon ship would always make you question what is wrong with these people. Though everything is truly wrong with them.

And then there were the suits they were when leaving Mary Geosie. The helmet and the hair style was the worse. You wished that they could of come up with something entirely different when it came to that stupid hair style.

'And then there are the stories uncle would tell us daily' you grumble as it was known that does that wield the name D are the enemies of god. The enemies of Celestial Dragons.

From an early age, children from each family were taught to fear those that have the secret name. Those with the secret name will drag you from heaven and kill you in ways only demons can achieve.

They were the only ones that are willing to defy god.

'The ones that able to change this world in both good and bad ways' you grin as you hope you'll be able to experience that change.

Dressrosa was a poor country but the people loved the land despite that

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Dressrosa was a poor country but the people loved the land despite that. It was their beauty that brought the country to life.

It was 1 of the 20 kingdoms that were responsible for creating the World Government.

The thing you liked about it was that it represented a old country your old background was related to though that belong to one side of your family. The music and flowers were one of the many favorites things you liked as you could find it everywhere.

Despite being one of the founding kingdoms, Dressrosa was one of the islands that belonged to the Donquixote family. Despite having a king that ruled the island, they aren't able to do anything once a Celestial family claims the island as part of their family name.

Each Celestial family owned a certain number of islands on either of the four seas, the Grand Line, or the New World.

"Rosie don't run to far into the field" your mother called out to you as you disappeared into the field of sunflowers.

The sunflowers were taller than you so it was easy to get lost in them but that was the best part. It was fun to run around in.

It seems that your parents have a good relationship with the ruling family of Dressrosa but you knew in 3 decades from now this place will become a hell for Doflamingo to "save" the people from.

A hell Doflamingo will create 3 times to your knowledge.

One on Minion Island.

The second one in order to take control over Dressrosa.

The last one when fighting Law and Luffy.

Staring at the sky, you could slowly imagine the bird cage trapping you all. Watching as it slowly moves closer towards the center, destroying everything in its path.

"Rosie, mother says to not wander off and that is the first thing you do, eh" you turned to see Doflamingo walking closer to you.

"Sorry, I was just following the birds" you mumble as you point at towards the sky.

"Be careful, you could've ran towards the edge!" Doflamingo shakes you by the shoulders as you chuckle.

It was funny seeing this killer be so carrying but that was the goal. Maybe you could drop some details here and there in the future that you know what is going to happen in the future.

'Now that will keep me alive as Doflamingo was surrounded by people that were useful' you grin as you found one way to stay alive.

Though you'll need more planning. Doflamingo doesn't like traitors but a useful brother may be better than a useless brother.

Maybe manipulation.

Early stages of a child determined most of their life. Doflamingo was spoiled as he grew up in this environment the longest while Rosinante was still to young to understand most things. By making Doflamingo someone that can't live without you though not to the extreme would also work.

You'll need to make sure he is able to leave you behind when he leave to regain his title as a Celestial Dragon. 

'I'll make him need me in order to survive and I'll make it past 26. Can't go wasting a new body just for an early death'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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