Why did Bassen become indifferent to Cale?

Why did Cale decide to become trash?

Why did Violan keep Cale close despite not liking him?

Why? Why?

Why did Deruth allow his son to become the trash Cale never wanted to be?

The Cale in the novel could've avoided becoming someone like this. Cale was neglected and ignored. Cale has the hardest time of his life, only to find his father remarrying a year after his mother's death. Cale could have avoided his shitty life...

Cale was the most pitiful and misunderstood person in the entire novel.

Who would want to become trash?

If the people around him understood, he could've lived a silent and happy life.

Cale had to get the attention of others to protect his beloved father's new family. Cale had to protect that happiness he couldn't give to his father. He had to. He had no choice... He had to become the trash he was so that his father would turn his gaze on him.

Cale grabs Bassen's shoulder. "You are a Henituse!"

The uncontrollable rage towards the person who had turned the Cale he knew into this.

"Remember! You are Henituse!" he said again and again. This is completely unlike him. Kim Rok Soo, an old man in a child's body known for his stoic and stern demeanor, is crying with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"You have Henituse blood! You are Henituse!"

Bassen trembled when he touched him.

"You are a Henituse. Remember that. No matter where you go, your last name is Henituse, you got that? Don't you remember what father said? Listen to me unless you're an idiot. Tell people that the Henituse blood flows through you, no matter what."

"How can I..." cried Bassen.

Cale couldn't believe how things had turned out. "Do as I say or you won't be able to live in this house; do you think the cousins and others will leave you alone? Are you going to act like an idiot?"

Even though he didn't know who Bassen's real father was, he already considered him his younger brother and someone who carried Count Henituse's spirit. Bassen is his younger sibling. He must convince Bassen that he is already a Henituse. Only a ten-year-old can protect his younger brother in this manner. This is something Kim Rok Soo is aware of. He recognizes that it is making him angry at the world.

Everyone will try to get Bassen and Violan to leave.

To protect his new family, the Cale he read about in the novel became trash.

But this is now his life. He is Cale Henituse now.

At the very least, they are alive, "No matter what happens... You and Mother..." a ten-year-old saying to his younger brother.

The Henituses who are drunk on power are the ones who murdered the real Cale and his mother. The one who contracted the evil and killed them is a member of the Henituse family.

Bassen looked at him with tears in his eyes. Cale may have said too much, but Bassen is not an idiot.

"I am... henituse," Bassen explained, "and I have henituse blood in me."

Right... Yes, Bassen. No one will hurt you if you act like one.

"I'm Henituse, Hyung's younger brother."

Cale looked at Bassen, who had both of his hands in his. "I am Hyung's little brother."

Kim Rok Soo, who had never had a family on his own, felt elated by Bassen's words.