"You're humanity. " comes the reply. Dream stocks off, towards Tommy's cell and sits in front of the door. Why had that hurt to hear? Sapnap was his friend... what is he doing?

Dream runs his fingers through his hair. What IS he doing? He's gone mad! This has gotten out of hand. Suddenly he feels eyes on him. He jerks his head to the left and sees Skeppy, staring into his very soul. 

"What do you want?" Dream snaps, composing himself. 

"Bad." Skeepy replies, barely audible. 

"I told you, if you see him, I'll kill him. You stay here." Dream scoffs. Skeppy shakes his head.

"You're losing control. Losing power." He says. His eyes seem to glow in the dark, like an animal just outside the light of a campfire. Biding it's time, dangerous, concealed.

"And you're getting ideas. I didn't even have to lock your cage before. What happened to that obedient skeppy?" Dream pulls out his pickaxe but Skeppy just keeps looking at him. Dream just wants him to stop.

"You told me I'm protecting him by being here. But I'm not, am I? You just want to be able to kill me to hurt him." Skeppy says. Dream smiles.

"You finally figured it out, it took you long enough. Now be a good boy and I might give you more fingerpaints." Dream condescendingly mocks, then looks past Skeppy to the paintings on the wall. His smile vanishes.

Gone are the butterflies, the murals of spring, friendship or gun. Gone is the wall of portraits of Bad boy halo. Instead, is a huge mural of despair.

Depictions of death, murder and war cover the walls. And in the center, lies Dream. Mask cast aside, eyes hollow and blank. His stomach was pierced by a dozen spears. The scariest part to Dream though, was his face. It looks identical to his face. Had skeppy seen it? He must have. Dreams breath catches in his chest. Why is this so unnerving?

"If I get out of here, Dream, then you will die." Skeppy says softly. Dream steps back, then turns and runs. At the end of the hall, he sees his control panel and hovers his hand over a single button, panting. He could release lava in Skeppy's cell. He could shut him up. His breathing wont slow and his fear wont subside. But he forces himself to truly think. Kill him? No, that would be admitting that he was scared. He turns, and walks away. He's still in charge here.

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge her

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

He's still in charge here

Isn't he? He must be. He can't NOT be.


He's still in charge.

For now.

How the world worksTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang