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The main plot of this is literally
I found a cat
Cute, wanna 'kiss'
OH SHiT fr got caught in 4K😔 📸
Ok I'm done continue reading
(Might do this every chapter)

-Gabriel's POV-
Hm I wonder where he went...

I was currently, just chilling in what we call 'home' it's really just a dark grey void, full of stuff but it works, sadly I'm currently by myself it is so boring, there's not much to do
Well I mean I'm not exactly here by myself I do have the alternate's but without a task it's like talking to a brick wall. Boring only some words would being coming from them, it really is just the Doppelgänger's the more possessed alternates are all ways in groups here I have talked to them a lot actually but not by myself all ways with six and with that I might as well be by myself.

Me talking to them with six more means he talks to them while I would just be there saying some stuff, not really the talkative type when it comes to being with them but I manage to at least say something, heh I'm kinda like the Doppelgänger's when around them it's funny.

an abrupt stop to my thought's, as then I heard a loud finger click I lifted myself off of our couch now instead of laying down I was sitting, and all I saw was the back of six,
And then a real loud sigh would be heard

"Your back"
"YES! I mean yes yea I'm back heh" a very surprised reaction came from him, at the same time sounding a little scared
Most commonly from the eeriness and scratchy sound of my voice, I would be scared if all of a sudden I heard my voice from a slight distance well I mean if someone sounding like me was anywhere near me it would be something but just making an example
"You ok?" I questioned now walking up to him
"Hm, oh yea I'm fineeeee" dragging out the word 'fine' as then I put my hand on his cheek after that,

I started wrapping an arm around him pulling them closer into my chest now putting my hand that was on his cheek down on my other arm that's around his waist then resting my head ontop of his I didn't start saying anything to him until I could feel his fast heart rate slow down from the accidental scare,it's actually funny how easy it is to spook him, I let out a deep breath before I asked "where did you go", then I felt arm now around me, "just walking around to see if I can get any new intel" a quite answer was heard "did you find anything then" I was inquiring him once again, "hm OH yea" he let me go as I did the same, "this bag" he smiled to me lifting it up.

"What's in it" I asked tilting my head a bit in pure confusion, he put his arm down the one that had the bag, well it looked more a duffel bag but it doesn't matter that much as then all that was heard now was the sound of him unzipping it, lifting something out of it, it was a small little animal? Very fluffy and cute I will say, "what is it" "it's something called a cat, I found it on my walk and had an idea" "here touch it" he put it near my face I was a little hesitant to grab it but I took the thing off his hands. 

"Oh my..." I sighed, it had a beautiful white coat, a V shaped dark brown going down across its face, and going up around its ears, slight grey like orange fade against their back with light brown spots on its back too,perfect I smiled.

"You like it" I heard a little giggle,
"Very much", "what where you planning on doing with this little adorable creature" i asked before I  re looked at the animal in my hands, I couldn't stop smiling at the sight of it at because it was just to adorable I wanted to look at it forever until
It did a little yawn and when that happen I started to shift it to then I was cradling it gently swaying it left to right, but then I looked away from it to look at six's reaction but all I saw was him intently staring at something

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