A New Hope

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Hey there it's Star here talking to you about what is going on in my life so here's what has happened so last time we left off Scott is mad at me for bringing his sister along, and didn't let me explain that it was his sister's idea and we I guess according to him on a break but I am not sure what is going on with us and no I haven't had the chance to tell him I'm pregnant the only people who know are Delilah and Melissa, so shall we jump back into the story and where we last left off which will be a conversion between Delilah and Jason and then later on I will have a talk with Scott and tell him that I am pregnant and then I will tell everyone else and so let's join our friends Delilah & Jason.

Whittemore House:

Jason: Me and my family are moving to London. Delilah: What? Jason: Yeah we are. Delilah: When? Jason: In a few days.

Delilah: And your just now telling me. Jason: Hell I just found out a few days ago.

Delilah: Oh okay. Jason: Yeah, So do you want to do long distance? Delilah: No not really. Jason: Oh okay that's fine. Delilah: Okay friends. Jason: Friends.

Delilah packed all of her stuff that she kept over there and gave Jason the key back and drove to the Stilinski house to see Star and tell her all about what happened and who knows Delilah might have a new boyfriend in the near future.

Stilinski House:

Delilah pulled up to the house and parked the car and walked up to the door and knocked. Stiles answered the door.

Stiles: Star your girlfriends here. Noah: Stiles be nice to your sister and let the poor girl in. Star: I'm coming and buzz off mischief.

Star came down the stairs and grabbed Delilah's hand and they went upstairs to her room.

Star: So what's up you look happy and sad? Delilah: Me and Jason broke up. Star: What? Delilah: Yeah he's moving to London with his family and we don't want to do long distance. Star: Oh okay, are you okay? Delilah: Yeah I'll be fine. Star: Do you want to stay here tonight? Delilah: Yes please. Star: Alright let me go and tell dad and you should let your mom know. Delilah: Okay I will.

Star walked down stairs and told her dad and Delilah called her mom and told her what happened and that she is staying over at Star's house. Delilah: So what is going on with you and my brother. Star: I really don't know. Delilah: What do you mean? Star: He's mad at me for bringing you along, and didn't let me explain that it was your idea and well I guess according to him on a break but I am not sure what is going on with us and no I haven't had the chance to tell him I'm pregnant. Delilah: Seriously wow he has some balls.

Star: I know. Delilah: I need to make him listen. Star: Yeah. The girls went to bed and Delilah will talk to her brother tomorrow and make him see the error of his ways. The next morning Delilah woke up and she decided to woke Star up. Star: You have exactly 3 seconds to explain why you just woke me up. Delilah: Because it's morning and you should be awake. Star: Huh interesting I didn't know you wanted to die today. Delilah: Star you can't kill me. Star: It's too late I've already decided how.

The girls started laughing and they went downstairs and got some breakfast and the girls went upstairs and got ready and Star went to her doctors appointment. Delilah went to her house.

McCall House:

Delilah got to her house and parked her car and took her thing and went inside and went up to her room and put her stuff away and there's a knock on her door. Delilah: Come in. Scott: Hey you didn't come home last night sis. Were you with Jason? Delilah: Yes and No. Scott: What do you mean? Delilah: Well what I mean is we broke up because him and his family are moving to London and I stayed at Star's last night after I went over and told her what happened.

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