Chapter 11

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(yello , I'm back 😚😘)

Andrew's pov

I woke up around noon , which was a bit confusing because the latest I got up nowadays was at 2 in the afternoon.

As I got up I went to go ask the girls what time it was because the sun was setting

As I got into their room I saw it was empty not even a sock in sight and I started panicking .

"Girls! Girls! This isn't funny come out now !"

But they never did , their was no trace of them in the house as if they were never there .

As I went down into the secret lair , I saw Dad dressed in a pink astronaut outfit which was probably the girls fault.

I ran up to him as he finally noticed me amongst all the cheering minions .

"Where are the girls ?"

I asked as he stopped dead in his tracts

"Where are the girls ?"

My voice broke as I said it again

I think I already know the answer to this.......


I stopped myself from letting my tears fall as I raced back up to the living room grabbing my skateboard and quickly darting out the door .

I put my hoody up and switched on my rocket booster and speed down the road .

All that was going through my head is if I could get to the girls before anything could happen .

In worst cases I could be too late and they could already be adopted by someone else .

All I could think while racing faster is how my father could give those wonderful girls back to that monster and send them back to that place .

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice I had a bunch of red dots on me .

Something then hit me knocking me off my rocket board and it crashed into a street light .

I was knocked into a brick wall and the force was so strong I heard the bricks move as well as felt them move .

I felt immense pain and let out a loud scream .

The hell !

It felt as if I broke two ribs , I felt blood dripping out of me .

Before I completely blacked out I saw the weapon that did this to me coming closer in the hands of the person who shot me .

The last thing I saw was white sneakers and the bottom of a orange and white jump suit

You got to be kidding me .

"You b........" 

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