Chapter 9

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We were walking down the hall and all I can say is Wow !

This place was huge ! and I loved how the white stood out , but the orange , bleu

"So this is my shark tank "

I looked at where he was pointing and I gasped in amazement as I saw the three big sharks .

He then looked at me and smirked

Is this boy-

" Show me where my sisters are now or else your gonna get it "

I said holding up my fist as he looked scared and carried on walking

We got into the kitchen and I looked around and then something hugged my leg

I looked down to see

"Andy !!"

I smirked and knelt down

" Hey Agnus you took too long so I came to find you did the ugly dwarf bully you ?"

She shook her head no as Victor went to go finish choosing his cookies from Margo

"So Andy you watch your sisters a lot ?"

The douchbag asked me

"Yes , I do "

I think I know where this is going

"I love kid's maybe you and I can-"


"Okay "

He said embarrassed and turned away to eat his cookies as I saw the robo cookies , wait was that dad's plan ?

He was about to turn to see them , oh no

"Wait , Victor ....."

Was I really going to give this guy the delight of me talking to him to save my dad's butt .....

The answer is yes this is the problem of loving someone too much

He turned around excitedly and hope in his eyes

" Yes!"

"Tell me what you were talking about earlier if you don't mind "

He looked extatic

"Really !"

"Yup "

Damn you Dad

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