chapter 22 : life draining

Start from the beginning

"Well clearly I lied" she says no remorse in her  tired voice.

"I'm only being concerned la miel" I reply in defence upset with how she responded.
(Translation: honey)

"Well stop I didnt ask  you to so leave me alone" she shouts at me throwing her bottle with aggression into the bin beside me  causing me to flinch.

That's when I see hailee recoil clear hate and anger dawning her face  as she looks at her hands to me clearly projecting her inner thoughts about herself.

Before i could console her she storms past me and back towards the door.

I rush after her in a pathetic attempt to stop her I grab after her shoulder lightly brushing against it.

"No! .... No! .... dont fucking touch me! dont come near me I'll only hurt you like I already have cant lose you aswell" she crys her soul into those words her face a picture of terror as she steps away from me.

"No no hailee I would never ever feel like that from you! please honey stay you dont need to leave  we can talk and help each other" I plea my voice cracking with sadness at each word I'd said.

Hailees face turns from terror to exhaustion and sadness.

Only for it to disappear as quick as it came as she picks up her bike keys and leaves out the door.

For months she stayed away from the home only returning back to collect her clothes and other necessitys staying at either Harry's garage or at random peoples houses.

She lost contact with me and the rest of the people in her life.

Going into a further spiral of over working drinking and disappearing for days or  weeks at a time.

The day she came back to the house was one of great healing  for  both hailee and I relationship.

I sit on the sofa  sipping at small glass of wine whilst watching my usual late night show after a long day at work.

That's when I hear a car pull up on the drive and a door shut a few seconds later a small knock comes at the door.

I stand up caution and questions both coming to mind as I dont recall making any plans.

I look through the peep hole to see a hooded figure looking down   at the floor.

Only setting my panic off more I grab a small umbrella from the coat rack.

I open the door only to drop my umbrella to see the person standing infront of me.

My eyes well up with sadness as I take in the person in front of me.

"La miel" I croak out sadness pushing over my voice.

Hailee shifts from one foot to the other as she looks away trying to avoid eye contact  with me guilt written into her body language.

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