Ch 10 - Holding Heavy Things

Start from the beginning

Marinette opened her locker.

Before she could reach her own class materials, Damian grabbed them and piled them on top of his things.

"Damian? What are you doing?"

"Well, since I'm already carrying my class supplies, I might as well carry yours too."

Marinette acted as if her shoulders weren't bothering her, but Damian knew that she must be injured. He had let her carry her backpack into the school, otherwise she might become suspicious. But he refused to let her carry heavy textbooks the entire day.

"You don't have to do that," said Marinette. "I should carry something."

"Tt, that's true," said Damian. He pretended to appear deep in thought. "Ah! I know what you can carry."

Damian balanced all of the books and supplies on a single arm. He offered Marinette his free hand.

Marinette gave him a weird look. "That's...your hand."

"Yes, and it's very heavy. I hope that you'll agree to carry it for me."

Marinette shook her head and burst into laughter. "Alright, I'll carry it. But only while we're walking to class!"

"Thank you, Habibti."

Marinette held Damian's hand as they walked down the rest of the hall. Neither of them noticed the gapping mouths of the students around them or the phone that discreetly snapped a picture. It was impossible. But it was happening right there for everyone to witness! The Ice Prince was holding hands with the French transfer student.

"Hey Damian, what does Habibti mean?" Marinette asked as they turned a corner. "You also said that word earlier when we were talking about last night's...skirt and grappling hook disaster."

"Oh. I didn't even realize that I called you that." The top of Damian's ears blushed red. "The word is Arabic, my first language. It's a...nickname."

"What does it mean?"

"It's just a silly nickname, nothing important- oh look at that, we've already arrived at the classroom. Let's go sit down."

Damian set the stack of supplies on their desks.

Marinette giggled as he pulled out a chair for her. "Thank you."

The first period bell sounded from the speakers in the ceiling. The rest of the students poured into the room, but the teacher still hadn't arrived.

Damian remembered overhearing other students complain that this teacher was notorious for running late.

As they waited for class to begin, Damian finally noticed the stares aimed at him and Marinette. He scowled. The smarter students immediately looked away.

A phone alarm rang through the room.

Marinette quickly pulled out her phone and muted the alarm.

Damian looked over her shoulder. There was an image of a dark butterfly on the screen. The word 'akuma' flashed below the butterfly.

"What is that?" Damian asked.

"This alarm," said Marinette.

Damian rolled his eyes. "Yes. But what is the alarm for?"

"It's a reminder to take my daily vitamins. But, oh no, I left the pill bottle in my backpack. I'm gonna go and get it before the teacher arrives."

Marinette quickly stood up.

"I'll go with you-"

"No, no!" Marinette said as she hurried across the room. "Stay here! I'll be right back."

She disappeared out the door.

Damian sighed and scratched the back of his head. He wasn't used to these strange feelings. Why did he feel so protective of Marinette? She was only going to her locker; she would come back to the classroom in a few minutes.

But Marinette didn't return to the classroom in a few minutes.

For the next two hours, she was missing.

[Ch 10 - 1,669 words]

Thanks for reading!

Me: "Hello dearest reader! What's that you say? Your hand is feeling heavy? Don't worry! There's a reason why Marinette has two hands! She can just hold Damian's in one hand, and yours in the other-"

Damian, dressed as Robin, crashes into the room through the window. Broken glass crunches under his boots as he stomps forward. He unsheaths his katana while panting heavily (he's probably out of breath from running as fast as Barry Allen).

Damian: "The reader's hand won't be heavy if I cut it off!"

Me looking up from my laptop where I'm writing Ch 11: "Dang it, Demon Spawn, now we have to get new windows."


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