Arriving at Hogwarts

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It was strange how easily I had been able to start conversations with the trio, Hermione was definitely the smart best friend that everyone would copy the homework from and then Ron was certainly the one who would be copying the most, yet it was Harry who I struggled to read. He was definitely funny and a little charming, there was certainly a lot of James in him. Gosh, it was so strange to even think that, though it did make me wonder how James' life, well I suppose all of our lives, turned out.

It was tempting to ask Harry about it, actually extremely tempting and I almost did ask. We had just finished up a conversation about the trip to Hogsmede that was happening this, it was nice to hear that some things hadn't changed when the trained started to pull into the station at Hogwarts and everyone started to get off before I had the chance to ask.

I was originally planning on going my separate way into the castle but Hermione just remained glued to my side as we tried to get past the sea of students and first years that were all terribly eager to get to the boats. I wasn't sure how I was meant to sneak into Dumbledore's office if I couldn't escape Hermione and her friends.

Finally, the sea began to calm as all the first years had been loaded onto the boats, so I could now breathe properly. "Alia?" Harry asked me and when he did I turned around to face him, Harry and Ron had caught up to me Hermione and were just standing behind us, as we waited for the carriages to take us to the castle.

"Yes," I said my voice still a little loud because I wasn't completely oblivious to the other students that we still surrounding us. Then before Harry could ask me whatever it was he wanted to ask me, we were directed into one of the carriages that would take us to the school. Hermione went in first, then I sat next to her and Harry and Ron then sat once again across from us.

"Would you like to sit with us at the feast?" Harry finally asked me once we were settled in the carriage and though my vocal reflexes were about to say 'yes' I knew I couldn't I had to get back to my timeline as quickly as possible before anyone realised who I was.

"Harry I... Um would love to but-" yet before I could even finish my answer and come up with a good enough excuse alongside it, Hermione interrupted me before I could say anything more to Harry.

"Harry don't be stupid, she's not even been sorted into a house yet!" Hermione began to lecture him on how silly he was to forget what I had said on the train about being a transfer student. I could see how Harry's face changed to one of embarrassment, I suppose he might have been thinking that I was offended by his slip up but I really wasn't.

"Then why doesn't she just get sorted today then?" Ron who had been rather quiet up until now spoke and as he did he was also trying to contain his rat in his hands, who was trying to escape. "All the first years are," he finished off and Hermione actually stopped bashing Harry about his mistake and instead focused her attention on Ron.

"That's a brilliant idea, Ron," Hermione spoke with praise in her tone and then I had all three sets of eyes focused back on me. "What do you think Alia?" Then it finally sunk in as to what exactly Ron had just suggested, get sorted again, I couldn't, I didn't have the time and two that annoying sorting hat would certainly be able to see right through my lie and on top of all that I would be so embarrassed, a third-year getting sorted into a house among all the first years.

"I can't it would be so humiliating," I tried the dramatic root in hopes that perhaps that might sway the trio into deciding that perhaps having me sorted for a second time wouldn't be the greatest idea in the world but once again the world just had to be against me and the carriage pulled up to castle as all the students started to get off.

As we started to walk away from the carriage and towards the entrance, Hermione spoke as she kept in step with myself and the others. "You'll have to get sorted Alia or else you won't be able to get settled in." This just seemed to be becoming a massive mess and I needed to find a way to tidy it up quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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