A Marauder's Meeting

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After walking up a staircase or two, myself, Bella and Sirius were standing in front of where the Room of Requirements would appear. Yet Bella being typically impatient as she always was, when she had to wait more than 10 seconds for something, was tapping her foot on the stoned floor and had her arms crossed over her chest.

"Bella calm down," I turned my head to look at her sending her one of my best glares, her impatience was starting to send me crazy.

"What? I'm not doing anything," she acted as if she were in denial as to why I was telling her off, which made me shake my head in disbelief, but really I could never stay mad at her long, she was one of my closest friends.

"Can you two stop bickering for five minutes and just walk through the door," Sirius cut through the apparent silence after Bella had talked, and I hadn't responded, and when Looked up from my feet, I saw the door leading to where we needed to be.

Sirius walked up to the door first and held it open saying, "Ladies first," Me and Bella just took each other's arm and walked together laughing and whispering, saying stuff such as "Since when did Sirius become a gentleman?" And Bella responding with "From what I know never."

"Ye ye laugh it up it's so funny!" I could hear him saying sarcastically from behind us, only causing me and Bella to laugh harder.

"What's all the laughing about," A voice said and me and Bella immediately shot our heads up in the direction of the voice. "Oh, Remus you spooked us for a second then," I told Remus after realising it was him.

"Well, he didn't scare me," Bella boasted proudly, as if it was some big achievement, with her head held high and her lovely smile gracing her pink lips. After her comment I smacked on the arm slightly, which with her smacking me on the back of the head, but I couldn't help but smile at her, as she had done before.

"Ah, yes because nothing scares you Stormy, now does it?" James then came into view with his usual stupid smile on his face as he sarcastically mocked the fact that Bella had said "nothing" scares her.

"For your information Prongs, nothing does I can't be frightened by....AHHH!!!" Before Bella could finish her sentence, me, Remus and Sirius had been having a silent conversation of our own, and we came to the conclusion that we were going to jumpy scare Bella, by making a loud noise behind her.

"YOU IDIOTS YOU COULD'VE KILLED ME!!!!" Bellatrix screamed at the top of her lungs at all three of us, her voice livid and her eyes daring to kill. Even though Bella had tried with all her might to frighten, we just couldn't help but fall into a fit of loud laughter.

"You-your face was... priceless cousin," Sirius started off as he leaned onto Remus for support, as he spoke between fits of laughter.

"Ye...you...should've seen your reaction Bell Bell," Remus then added in laughing just as hard as Sirius and I were, he then grabbed onto my shoulder to keep him and Sirius off the floor.

"They're not wrong Bells," I added in trying to gain my composure back.

"Stop picking on me, Prongs tell them," Bella moaned, then turned to James to try and receive some support from him, he chuckled slightly, but then gave us all a stern look to try and appease Bellatrix.

"Thanks, Prongsy, now where's Wormtail?" Bella asked walking past James and tapping him slightly on the shoulder, I suppose in thanks. She did have a good point though, where was Peter, or should I say Wormtail.

"He just sat down," James answered simply, as for me, Remus and Sirius we were making a serious effort to get up off the floor that we had eventually fallen onto, me being at the bottom of the pile, with the boys on top of me.

"A little help Prongs," Remus asked his hand outstretched towards James.

"Ye bro help a friend out?" Sirius then asked as he was the one sandwiched between Moony and me.

So Prongs did as he was asked and came over and yanked the guys off of me, but he didn't help me up, instead, he stuck his tongue out, probably because I was the one who decided to scare Bella, now that's what I call bad Karma.

"Hey guys, fellow Marauder still left on the floor here!" I shouted to them hoping one of them would back and give me a hand. Thankfully I didn't have to wait long because in less than ten seconds I saw Bella coming over to help me up.

She crouched down to me level her sweet smile that she reserved for my eyes and her sisters' eyes only appeared, and she stretched out her hand for me to take, which I gratefully did, but I can't say that there was anything utterly graceful about how I got up.

After stumbling twice as I got up, I finally found my feet, with my left hand still clutched in Bella's right. As soon as I was on my feet again I retracted my hand and smiled whilst scratching the back of my head in embarrassment.

"We should probably go sit with the others," Bella suggested and I was eager to accept her suggestion, to try and get over my embarrassment, of nearly falling flat on my face for a second time today.

"Um uh ye, that's um... a good Idea," I spoke as I felt my cheeks heat up, and I was sure they were at least a shade of pink. Bella just chuckled slightly at my uncharacteristic stammering ad together walked a few paces to see all the guys sitting on the couches.

"Hey nightshade, North!" Wormtail waved to us as he spoke in an overly excited voice. (A/N: so Bella's Patronus is a Granian Winged Horse, and Acellia's is a snowy owl and they're also their Animagus')

"Hey Wormtail," Me and Bella spoke in unison as we started to take a seat on the couch facing James, Peter and Sirius' couch, we were both now sitting with Remus on the opposite couch. I sat in the middle next to Remus and Bella sat next to me on the couch's arm, then I brought my legs up and tucked them under me.

"Right so down to business!" James spoke seriously, and now we were all paying close attention, all of our heads leaning in slightly to listen carefully to what James was going to say. "It's time for us to pull off the greatest prank Hogwarts has ever seen."
Hey everyone, so here's the second update, I hope you are all still enjoying it. I wonder what this secret prank could be, any guesses? As always make sure to vote and comment. Until next time fellow readers.

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