Chapter 3

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I got home that night with butterflies in my stomach. I wondered when, if at all, he would call me. The thought streamed through my head over and over again throughout the night, clawing at my mind.

It was around 6, and I had just finished eating dinner, so I got on my computer, just as my typical weekday routine follows.

I wasn't planning for anything to happen. I was hoping to fall asleep happy for once. But of course - as soon as something good happens in my life, I'm always knocked right back down. When I logged onto my email, I saw about 45 new messages, which was oddly high for me. So I took a close look to see that more than half of them had the words "I'm so sorry" and "Are you okay?" I clicked on the one from Mike, and couldn't believe my eyes.

I froze. With my jaw dropped, I starred at the screen with a blank expression. My sister died in that car crash this morning? I could feel my throat swell up. It felt like I couldn't breathe. I gasped and began to feel my eyes burn. The pain rolled down my cheek in the shape of many tears. I read on, "I'm so sorry Ell. I saw it on the news when I got home, and I couldn't believe my eyes. I know how close you guys were. Please call me ASAP. I'll keep you in my thoughts." I need to cut. That's the only thing that will keep me calm. 

I jumped out of my chair, almost dropping my computer. In a rush, I ran straight to the bathroom. I was in a daze, bumping into walls as I turned corners. I couln't focus on anything. I reached the bathroom door and could barley turn the door knob because of how shaky I had become. I dropped to my knees, the flooding tears still stinging my cheeks, opened the cabinet under the sink, and reached for my blade. The small metal rectangle hid in between a stack of towels. 

After stumbling into the bath tub, I rolled up my sleeve and ripped off the white bandage wrapped all around my scarred up arm. The deep red stains were a startling sight. It was hideous. There were so many scars - some old, some new, some white, some red. But it only made me want to cut more. 

I closed my eyes and was about to slash away all of my worries, when I heard the familiar sound of my ring tone. Perfect timing. I looked at my phone and saw Kellin's number scrolling across the screen. Normally I wouldn't have pick it up, considering the state I was in. I knew that if I tried to talk, nothing would come out. But something made me do it.

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