Chapter 6

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*Yeah I know i went from Ell's POV to her POV again*


That's all I could think.

"What have I done?"

I sat up and felt the painful sting as the bandage shifted on my arm, reminding me of my mistakes. I picked up my phone and began to text Kellin back when I realized I should just call him. It's the least I could do after worrying him like that. I dialed his number and put the phone to my face.

The sound of the ringing caused anxiety to enter me. What if I choke again? What if he thinks I'm insane?

"Hello? Ell?" The sound of his voice made me start to shake. I almost dropped the phone in a quick moment of panic.

After a few seconds of silence, I finally got out "Hi" Nothing more. 

"That's all you have to say? "Hi"? What happened?! I was so worried!"

"Kellin you don't have to worry about me. I had just found out that my sister..well..she was in an accident..." I could feel the tears start to flood my stinging red eyes.

"Oh, do you want to talk about it?"

"No, I'm fine." Lies

There was a moment of silence that felt like eternity, but he eventually broke it with, "I know you're not." That had to be one of the most thoughtful things I had heard from anyone, ever. He actually cares.

" sister died last night." At this point I was putting everything into keeping myself together, but somehow a few whimpers slipped their way out. I sniffled and kept going, "She was in a car accident yesterday, and i just.." My voice started to give a little and you could start to hear the pain. "It's just that even though me and her might not have been the closest, She is...I mean, she was the only family i had left. I have no one else." I as to the point of breakdown. 

"That's not true. I'm here for you, Ell. Let's meet up to talk about this, if you're up to it, of course."


"Can you meet me at the coffee shop on Wacomor Drive in an hour?"

"Yeah,I'll see you there." Those last words were so hard to force out of my mouth.

I got up and took off the bandage to check on my arm. It feels as if it's radiating with pain. All of the cuts are irritated and red. I probably just cut a little deeper than normal. 

I went up to the bathroom to change the bandages and when I took them off, for some reason it had felt as if someone had slashed my arm all over again, it was almost unbearable. Why does it hurt so bad?  For a moment, I regreted what I had done last night, but that remorse soon went away when i remembered the release I felt, when I remembered the serenity that surrounded me when everything went quiet and the pain had gone from my heart to my arm. 

I wrapped on another bandage all up my forearm and put my hoodie on to cover it. Then, I took my time to do my makeup so that I wouldn't look like a wreck when Kellin saw me. I walked over to me mirrir and leaned in close, to see all the makeup from yesterday smeared around my eyes. I looked like I belonged in a horror movie. I removed the makeup completely, and a new pimple was revealed. Yay, just what I need. This is what I get for stressing out. 

After getting dressed, I looked at the clock and realized that I still had a half and hour. Oh well, I might as well be there early. So I hopped in my car and drove to the coffe shop that we planned to meet at, which was only 5 minutes down the street from my house. I walked into the door and the first thing i see is Kellin, who had somehow got here before me.

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