Hospital pt 2⚠️TW⚠️

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After felix leaves the room about 10 minutes later a female doctor walks into the room, "heya I have been told you would like to speak to a female doctor, is there anything you need help with loves" she says, her accent being soothing so become very calm "hi ummm so the reason I'm here today isn't what's in my chart" you replied with "ahh yes I was told, so what's seems to be the problem?" She says.

With a damn and gentle voice you explain everything to her, everything beginning from the sleepover all the way till when you woke up, faith getting up and hugging you while tears run down her face "I'm so sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry, I should have known, it's my fault I should have stopped him from every getting up" faith says in a panic.

"Faith, faith it's okay calm down it's not your fault, please don't blame yourself" you say while hold faiths head on your shoulders, your doctor stands up and and comes to your side "would you like us to call anyone for you love" your doctor says with a devastated look in her eyes "yes please my mum" you replied with.

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