She waves a hand, looking back at her team as they all went running for her. "Stay back! It's under control!"

"That's very indicative of you being shot there, ma'am!"

The man glares at Layla as she slowly stands up, gripping her leg.

"Hold her," he shouts, pointing to the girl. Layla holds a hand out, the girl slowly taking it. Pulls the girl close, hiding her behind the woman as time ticked on.

The man begins to shout, Layla tensing as he finally whirls around. A deadly calm expression crosses his face, grip on the radio loosening.

"Is there agreement," her commander asks, the man shaking his head.



Layla sits up with a gasp, grimacing at the achy feeling all over her body. Black strands of hair fall in front of her face, the woman grimacing as she gripped her arm.

"You're awake."

She looks over, seeing Caveira who was checking her pistol. "Good. We were about to move out. Don't want more dead meat to carry."

Layla huffs, rolling out her shoulders only to lurch forward and grip the left one. Caveira looks up, humming. "Yeah, your right arm is useless. Don't bother."

Layla looks at her arm, seeing the bloody bandage wrapped around her shoulder.

"We got mile left until rendezvous." Caveira stands up, holding a hand out to Layla. She gratefully takes it, the two women walk over to a passed-out Glaz. "Has he not woken up yet?" Caveira nods. "We should move." Another nod.

The two women hoist Glaz up, Layla grimacing as she took most of the weight from the operator. They slowly drag Glaz out onto the quiet streets, hardly any words spoken between the two as they trudged down the deserted streets. "Why didn't helicopter come get us," Layla finally asks. "Didn't want the risk of damage. It's sitting in a park one mile out. The rest of teams one and two are waiting for us."

"And no team came to help."

"Too dangerous is what pilot said. Didn't want to lose other operators. Said they'd keep lookout and knew to keep eyes out."

Slowly the two women get to the rendezvous, Caveira halting as she sees Castle, Zofia, and Lion sitting in the helicopter with dazed expressions and dust covering their bodies. "Hey!"

Everyone turns to see the trio, a stretcher immediately being rushed over and Glaz set on it. "We didn't know you were coming otherwise we would've helped." Layla blinks confusedly, looking at Caveira who seemed equally confused. "I thought the pilot told you."

Ash frowns. "The pilot. . . said we wouldn't come."

Caveira nods while Layla walks past. She hops up into the helicopter and next to Zofia who gives her a smirk. "Good to see you made it out."

"Same to you," Layla murmurs, arm gripping her side as the throbbing continued in her shoulder. She leans her head back, a dark shadow covering her face.

Babayaga (R6S fanfic) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now