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For those of you who noticed, yes Capitão was on the defender side of the game instead of attacker. That was a mistake on my part seeing as I wrote that part of the chapter at like 3 in the morning and didn't fix it. So, for my sanity, Capitão was a defender just for that round. Sorry for mixing things up on you all in chapter 3 but I hope you all understand. Peace!
- Reaper



Shoving Lion back, Layla jolts forward as pressure hits the back of her head. "Get back!"

More gunshots go off, the four hiding in the safe room. Slamming the hollow door closed, Layla turns on the flashlight mounted to her helmet. Looking at the operators in the storage room, she rests her head against the wall behind her.

She then walks over to the unconscious operators, pointing at Lion. "Please tell me you have some medical supply."

Lion rifles through his bag, pulling out an emergency first aid kit. Handing it over, Layla nods to him. She then pulls off Tachanka's chest plate with the help of Glaz, handing Lion a roll of gauze and pointing to Doc. "Head injury." Lion goes to Doc's side while Layla stays with Tachanka. "Yäger?"

Glaz shrugs. "Seems fine."

Grabbing the small bottle of alcohol as well as a stitch kit, Layla flips her visor up. "I'll take watch outside." Ash leaves the room while Layla attempts to steady her shaking hands.

"You sure about-"

Layla ignores Glaz as she pulls the metal out, quickly getting to work. She pours the alcohol over the wound, earning a groan from Tachanka. She quickly stitches his side up, wrapping the wound with the small amount of gauze she had. "Nothing important hit. Still need proper medical attention."

Layla then checks on Yäger, seeing that he was only unconscious.

Layla then squats next to Doc, Lion just finishing wrapping his head. Her eyes stare at Doc's closed ones, gloved hands balled into fists. "What is your history," Lion asks. Layla looks up at him, taking in the deep brown orbs he possessed. She shrugs, standing up. "Once teammates. Split up for missions."

Layla pulls a flap on her plate carrier up, showing a GIGN patch. "Sent on recon and special force missions. He stayed in medical field."

Layla leans against the wall, pulling her helmet off. She sees a dent on the inside of her helmet, flipping it around to see a large hole in her helmet.

"Ο γιος της σκύλας! Αυτοί οι ποντικοί που μασούσαν μαλάκες μου κατέστρεψαν το κράνος," she spits, throwing it to the side. Layla lets out a huff, weaving her hands through her hair.

'We're stuck here.'


The door creaks open, and Layla grabs her firearm and flashlight. Shining it at the intruder, she and the other operators relaxed as the face of Blackbeard came into view. "You guys look like shit."

"Thanks for pointing out obvious," Lion grumbles. Blackbeard, Castle, a few recruits, Ash, Zofia, Fuze, and Caveira come into view, everyone sitting in the storage room. "What's the plan," Zofia says.

"We move two blocks south to the rendezvous point. Get our injured back to Rainbow and continue with the plan." Ash then sets a plan in motion.

"Beard, you and Castle get Tachanka. Ace, get Doc. Lion will get Yäger. Glaz will take the rooftop and see if he can get rid of those snipers. Fuze, Zofia, and Caveira will clear the buildings we enter. The recruits will take point outside as we move forward and make sure that we're covered. If we move slowly and methodically, we should be good."

Babayaga (R6S fanfic) (Discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang