24. When he can't hide his jealousy

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Jungkook: How do you think our babies would look like?

Your face flushed instantly and pushed him off your face and ran outside to the living. You were surprised to see Taehyung talking to a boy. The boy was none other than your best friend...


You swiftly ran towards him and he gave you a bone-crushing hug. Jungkook who was still smiling from what happened in his bedroom came out with a smiley face. But, the moment he saw you hugging a guy, his face turned scary. Taehyung who knew the kind of bond you and Jimin shared, noticed that Jungkook was giving murderous looks to Jimin and decided to butt in to stop unwanted situations from coming up. Jungkook swiftly moved to grab Jimin's collar and the very instant, Taehyung held Jungkook's wrist and spoke to him

Taehyung: Jungkook, this is Jimin. Y/n's best friend.

Hearing him speak, you and Jimin turned to face Jungkook. You were ever smiling and Jungkook felt highly jealous as he never saw you smile that way for him. You saw Taehyung asking you to keep a bit of distance from Jimin, but you ignored him completely. Jungkook moved closer to Taehyung and spoke.

Jungkook: A guy?

Taehyung: The one and only guy in y/n's life, who turned out to be her best friend later. Nothing other than that.

Jungkook in his mind: Who the f*** is he? How dare he hug y/n?

You: Jungkook, he is my best friend, Jimin.

You smiled widely at Jimin knowing that Jungkook won't like that one bit. Jungkook didn't get the real kind of smile on his face, but a forced one and you felt that he could be a little jealous. You were quite enjoying the show and so you stood pretty close to Jimin and you held his hand. Jimin jerked his head in your direction and gave you a surprised look. That was a complete out of context behaviour, since you never held each other's hands. You just winked at him and he realized that there was something that you clearly wanted to do with the guy standing beside you. So he also played along.

You: He is the best of the best friends one can ever have. He was with me since kindergarten. You know now that we go all the way back to now. Our friendship still stays as strong as ever. He is the only one I have ever spoken freely with. He literally knows everything about me. He knows me so we-

Jungkook: I'm Jungkook. nice to meet you. But I clearly don't remember inviting you over.

Jimin: Dude chill, I was just passing by the store when I met Irene. She is also my friend but not as good as y/n. (he winked your way) She told me about y/n being in her house. I am cool. I would love to stay for a while since I just got to see that y/n is here.

You: But how did you get around here?

Jimin: I just landed yesterday. I was on my way to your place when I met her (pointing at Irene) there at the store. And I am glad I did. Else I would have had to meet your mom and it was just getting too difficult to avoid her mocking face about me and you being friends for so long. She really wants to see us as more than friends.

He then smiled and was about to give you a quick hug when Jungkook pulled you away.

Jungkook: Okay. It was really nice to see you, but-

You: Please Jungkook. It has been so long that I saw him. There is so much to talk to him about how we killed time without each other. We have always been together. And by together, I mean REALLY together.

Taehyung: Yeah. They were always sitting with each other all along. Even when they didn't have classes together, they used to bunk each other's class just to spend time with each other. I never got what they had to talk about that mush. Entire time they were all smiling and laughing. I have never seen them passing a single moment doing anything other than just talking.

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