7. When you moaned his name

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Later that night, the doorbell rang. You ran down to open the door to check who it was. You have the liking to open the door. Like a childhood craze. The moment you opened the door, your eyes went wide.

It was Jungkook, standing with an innocent look on his face. You were surprised as to why is he here at this time.

You in your mind: Is he here to ask for forgiveness, for being rude? If so then I will act pricy for sure. I won't let him off so easily... Or, is he here to ask about the microphone...or even worse to take it off stealthily so that he could cover up and escape from my wrath? Or worse, did he come here to tell oppa about what happened out there with Toby...  If he tells anything I'll tell about the microphone and also-

You were busy in your thoughts when Taehyung came next to you and leaned closer to your ears.

Taehyung: Are you trying to melt him? It's very rude to stare, especially at your older brother's friends. I know he is handsome, but that doesn't mean that you just shamelessly check him out every chance you get.

You still could not process why is he here. Taehyung's words didn't cross your mind even once. You were thinking just about why is he here. You turned to look at Taehyung now with big blank eyes. He understood what it meant. You wanted an explanation of Jungkook being there.

Taehyung: I called him for a sleepover. He is my best friend, so thought of spending the weekend with him here. So, if you move your butt, we can get inside.

With that said he went inside and Jungkook smiled sheepishly at you and you followed him. Just then your mom said that she needs some medicines and so asked Taehyung to get them for her. He rushed out for the same. Your mom gave a glass a milkshake to Jungkook and went to her room. Now, only you and Jungkook were in the living room. You took this opportunity to talk to him. He was sipping his milkshake coolly.

You: Are you really here for the sleepover?

Jungkook: Why else do you think I would come at this time?

You: Who knows? You are a weird person.

Jungkook: I am? I thought people who go out to meet unknown people with not so well-known friends were weird.

You: So, you did put the microphone under my desk?

He almost choked on his drink. He looked at you wide eyed.

Jungkook: wh...what microphone? I...I don't know what you are saying y/n.

You: You know very well. I know that you stalk me. But I don't know why. So you better tell me now.

Jungkook: I don't stalk you y/n. I just put that there to keep track of you and-

You: So you did put it there!!! Why?

Jungkook: I just wanted to listen to you sing. Taehyung said that you sing very well, but don't sing in front of anyone. I like singing and so I thought of just hearing you out.

You: In this way?

Jungkook: You wouldn't really agree on the normal way, so.

You: You didn't even ask me to sing for you.

Jungkook: Taehyung said that you only sing at day time and only in your room. So, day time you and I both have classes, so I wont actually get to hear you. This was the better deal.

You: Whatever, but get rid of it. Now.

Jungkook: I know how to set it up, but don't know to remove it. I will do that on Monday. I'll do my research on that.

You in your mind: You really think I am stupid enough to buy that? Oppa runs away with his hands on his ears when I start singing. In no ways he has told YOU about it. I'll get my checks done on you later tonight. For now, I shall play the dumb girl.

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