''Uh oh.You're up to something and that is?''she says with a long pause.

''Something.Bye,I'll call you later,''I reply and hung up before Ty could speak.

I hop off of my freshly made bed as I frantically search for a box of pictures and my scrapbook.I decided on to past most of the time,I'd scrapbook until later where I plan on heading to Tyler's house,since we were exactly next door neighbors and she has to drive me,so I can bother her older sister Carly.My phone beeps once indicating a text message,I ignore it immediately already knowing it was Tyler.


''Carly!'' Both me and Tyler yell loudly as sat back on the couch with our feet propped on there brown coffee table.Hearing her stomp down the stairs huffing , we snicker.

''What do you little pest want now?''Carly remarks folding her arms.As if on cue,me and Tyler look at each other with a smile.

''Oh well since you put it that way...''Ty trailed off,'' fetch us some lemonade,oh and cheese puffs will ya?''

When she turns to leave, I add,'' Two cubes of ice,''Carly glares at me.I bat my eyelashes,''if you don't mind.''

 After I finished two full pages of my scrapbook, I walked next door,where Ty and I been ordering Carly around since we were too lazy to get it ourselves.And the only way she agreed to that,is blackmailing her of telling there mom that her boyfriend, Justin, is in her room with the door close.We laugh when she hands us the lemonade and chips angrily.

''You think we can get away dying her hair red?''Ty asks before shoving a handful of chips in her mouth.I check the time as Ty went on and on of what we can we make Carly do.

''It's time,'' I say jumping up and pacing around the room.''Oh my gosh,he's going to arrive at the park any minute ,Ty , how's my hair? What if he don't feel the same ? Oh no, what if even worse if he's not who he says he is and someone been pranking me this whole time! What if-''

''Len, relax,'' Ty said gripping my shoulders.'' If he turns out not who he says he is then I'll kick his butt,''

I nod uneasy.'' But what if he don't feel the same?''

''Then I'll still kick his butt. Len you have no worries, ''She assures me. I repeat the words over and over and inhale then exhale.


We picked up Lily before we leave to the beach. I breathe in and out as a flash of memories flew through my head while palms began to sweat.

''You seem nervous meeting Hayes in person for the first time Len,'' Lily perceived looking up from her IPhone. I furrow my eyebrows.

''Is it that noticeable?'' I say, and she nods. I wipe my hands on my jeans and calm down a little.'' Better?''

''Nope'', said Lily. I laugh a little.

''I'm just...nervous. I mean,what if he doesn't want to be with me?'' I say out aloud as Ty side-eye me in the mirror.

''Lena, we went over this already.''Ty gives me a small smile.''And can we get out of the car now.It's hot and we've been sitting in this car for ten minutes.''

I nod quickly and fumble with my seatbelt. ''Oh,'' appalled I say.

When my feet touch the sand, I instantly relax as I walk towards a bench near the swings with Ty and Lily in tote.

''Now what?'' Lily asked, fanning herself. I pass her and Ty water bottles from my purse.

''We wait,''I say before realizing they stranded off onto the swingset.

Just as I said that a beep rung and I dig through my purse in search of my phone. I should really clean this purse out. I note it for later. When I finally do grasp my phone, a sigh of relief escapes from my lips.

Hayes : We're still on for meeting at 4:30 right?

I smile absentmindedly.

Me : Definitely.Can't wait.

Hayes : Me either. Love you.

When I read that I swear there are butterflies in my stomach and my heart thumped out of my chest.

Me : Love you too.

Hayes : We're almost here.Nervous?

Me : Severely.

Hayes : Don't be.Imagine I'm already there and we're talking as if we're texting like now.Close your eyes.

I frown but comply. Arms wrap my body and I open my eyes and turn in there arms.

''Hayes?'' I say blushing hard and unsure.He smiles a toothy grin.

''Uh hate to break up this beautiful moment.But say hello to the camera guys,''Nev says as Max waves.I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear and greet them.

''Let's sit down and talk,''Max says as we sit on the bench when Lily and Ty wonders over.

''Hello,''they both chirped simultaneously.I smile and gesture towards them.

''These are my friends, Lily and Tyler.'' They greet each other and turn to Hayes.

''So this is loverboy...''Ty mumbles under her breathe. I pinch her hand.Giving a cry 'ow', she rubbed her hand.

Hayes flashes a smile as he grabs my hand.His hands is warm on my mine.Am I crazy or I am feeling  sparks right now?

''So your real name is Lena and not Lana,right?''Nev clarifies .I nod.

''Yes its Lena,''I say facing Hayes ,Max , and Nev.

''So what is the story that you go by Lana and not Lena?''Nev asks.

''Lana is my middle name. Ever since birth I loved my middle name better than my first,'' I explain and they nod at once.This wasn't going so bad.

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