Start from the beginning

Zayn: I would love to keep hearing you snore, but it will have to be for another time.
Sleep tight, Harry.
Talk to you soon.

Stupid me, falling asleep on the phone while he was speaking about...whatever. I wasn't bored, I was just overwhelmed with the amount of energy dealing with Zayn had taken from me - energy I had given willingly.

When it came to all sex-related things, Zayn was insatiable and I didn't think I had the stamina to go with him. There was something about him that made me just roar with desire and follow his light.

I was hoping to make things up on that same day. I had promised myself I wasn't going to fall asleep again, if we did speak on something other than what we wanted to do to one another.

Being in the hospital was torture, but I had Zayn right in my hand. A phone call away. A text of distance. I knew I had him despite his silence during the day hours, when the clock struck midnight, he would call me. He had promised me.

My phone would be always on me - even in the bathroom. I wanted to text him, but I knew I shouldn't. I would lock and unlock my phone, repeatedly, battling within myself. It had become so apparent, that even my mother called me out on it.

"I spoke to Gemma earlier. She had to make a quick stop in Milan, but will catch the next flight home." Mum explained, but I hardly heard her. "Harry,"


"Will you stop looking at your phone?" Mum asked me, sitting next to my bed, looking up from her book. Inevitably I had unlocked the phone and was staring at Zayn's text. I wanted to text him and was fighting against the need to do so. "You have been locking and unlocking it nonstop. Are you waiting for something?"

I locked my phone again, placing it next to me, face down.

"Can I tell you something?"

Mum closed her book, crossing her hands over her lap.

"You can tell me anything, darling."

"Promise you won't be mad."

Mum removed her glasses, glaring at me.

"I don't bargain like that. What is it?"

"Zayn has a phone,"

My mother gasped dramatically, leaning forward.


"Zayn has a phone."

"He has a-" Mum covered her ears, shaking her head. "Don't tell me. I want to have plausible deniability in case this blows back to me. A phone?"

"Liam gave it to him."

"Jesus Christ!" Mum cursed, covering her mouth. "Since when?"

"Recent," I answered. "That's how we would talk."

"Did you talk last night?"

"Yes," I answered again. "Until 04h00 am, give or take."

"Harry, that is not helpful."

"But, mum..."

"He's supposed to be out of communications! Taking to you is no good!"

"I can't be away from him, mum."

"Harry, be reasonable."

"I am!" I replied. "I tried. I can't be away from him. This is the only way to keep me sane and is killing me already."

I remembered how my mother looked at me, thinking I was such a dramatic boy who couldn't have his candy. It was much more than that.


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