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Totally different for normal fics, this one is in a third persons point of view.

The POV, whether it be a mothers, fathers, sisters, friend, etc, is showing what their eyes see when they see the pairing.

For example, the POV of Sky's mother as she watches Sky and Ty play outside as kids, or at their wedding.

Or third person following the third person, if that makes sense... Idk...

This is one I may try as well.

A seeing B, someone they love (platonic) destruct when B and C break up?
A recalling their grief when they have to comfort B over C's death?

Or fluffy?
A remembers happy times when B and C were children, motherly or a friend a similar age?
A watching B and C exchange vows?

Or even smutty??
A walks in on B and C getting funky, their thoughts and feelings about it?
A is invited to threesome with B and C?

I like this change of perspective as a prompt, and I would suggest going with the parental or family thing, observing the pair. That's just my suggestion.

Enjoy writing!

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