Ah, I got sidetracked again. I really shouldn't focus on the past, I can't really do anything about that now.

I slowly got off of my bed and wiped my eyes before continuing on to begin my daily routine.

After I fixed myself up for the day and put on my uniform I checked the time. 5:15 am, my school is two hours away by vehicle so normally I leave at 5:50 to get at least 10 minutes to myself at school before the day begins.

I walked over to the kitchen and prepared breakfast. I had already packed my bag and gotten everything ready since last night so all I had to do after eating was fix my hair and leave.

I placed the breakfast I had made on the table and went to get my mother. I walked to her room and lightly tapped her shoulder, she woke up and rubbed her eyes.

"Mom, breakfast is ready" I informed her as I grabbed her hand and helped her off the bed. "Good Morning Shuichi" she greeted me.

"Good Morning Mom" I smiled warmly at her

We walked to the table and I sat her down on the chair before returning to my own and we both began to eat.

After eating I brought her to her room and fixed up my hair before grabbing my stuff. "Mom, I'm leaving now" I called out, knowing she could hear me.

I looked over at the clock, the time 5:45 displayed clearly by the hands. I guess I'll just leave early then.

I walked out of the house and hopped into the car, starting it up before beginning to drive to school. Mother hasn't had a job since she had retired after I was the legal age to get a job so I had to get one, thankfully I'm 17 so I'm old enough, I've been working at a Detective Agency for 2 years.

After I arrived at school I grabbed my stuff and hopped out of the car before closing the car door and locking it. I walked into the school, I had recently changed schools since apparently there are some suspicions that the principal might be involved in illegal activity.

I walked to my locker and put away my stuff before going to my classroom and placing down a book. I enjoy music, it's a fascinating topic to me so whenever I have freetime before school I write song lyrics and sing them while playing my guitar whenever both school and my job are over for the day. I used to do it all the time at my old school.

I took out a pen from my pocket and started writing, not really putting much thought into it and just writing whatever my heart told me to write.

Once I finished I put both my book and pen away and grabbed an actual school book and pen before waiting in my classroom once again.

This was my first day since I enrolled here to investigate, so I didn't really know what to really do to pass the time, so I just sat there waiting until the classroom filled up with students and the teacher arrived.

I glanced around at my fellow classmates, the person to my right was a girl with flowy white hair in low pigtails rested in front of her and she was wearing a large yellow cardigan over her uniform. Glancing over to my left, there was a short girl with short red hair and a witch hat resting on her head, although she was wearing the uniform it looked like it was put on very sloppily as if she was half asleep when getting ready. The student in front of me had short green hair. There was a person sitting beside her that for some reason looked like a..robot? The person on the other side of her had long flowing dark green hair and a green and red hat rested on their head. If they weren't wearing the boys uniform I would've thought they were a girl.

I continued glancing around the room and I saw..The worker I had seen the other day that was working at the maid Café, they were wearing the boys school uniform. Rantaro, Kaito, Kaede and Miu are in the class downstairs so I guess it makes sense Miu and Rantaro wouldn't know the worker was from this school.

They went for a drink but found something much sweeter💚💜💙 ~Saioumami~Where stories live. Discover now