Dread On Arrival

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"Must I watch this?" (y/n) asked regretfully. She watched as thugs dragged Lloyd up the stairs. They walked straight by her, they couldn't see her, she stared at her hands, they were opaque almost clear. The living would see only scattered Sakura leaved where she stood.

Long silver straight hair was pulled into a ponytail, to make way for a strong face that had gone through many years of turmoil. (y/n) met his eyes, they held such sympathy for her yet kindness. The face (y/n) stared up at was Windsor's. The two Masters of Wind followed the Sons of Garmadon to wherever they were taking Lloyd. The living would only feel a breeze follow them. "It is up to you," Windsor said as he walked at her side.

He held his hand out to her, she was hesitant. "If you come with me you can rest, leave this world behind and find peace whilst waiting for your friends," he offered.

She didn't want to walk away from them. She may not have a body, but she was now the wind itself. She was still (y/n) just not a part of the same world anymore. "No," she replied. "Thank you for the offer, Windsor but I cannot accept it, not until I know that they'll be fine."

"They cannot see you, they cannot here you," he reasoned.

"That is not what matters," she replied. "I may be without my body, but I still have power over the wind, they may not see me, they may not be able to hear me, but I will be there for them, my story cannot end yet."

Windsor nodded in understanding. "You are the greatest of us, you may even be more powerful than me, when you do feel like crossing that bridge, call," he bid, and he vanished.

(y/n) followed Lloyd and the thugs. "The quiet one will return for you soon," the thugs scowled as they tossed Lloyd into a cell. The place reeked, he had almost vomited.

(y/n) no longer had a beating heart, so why did it hurt so much to see this. She wanted to look away, but she knew she must not, she knew was going to happen.

Lloyd glance around the room, blood stained the wall, it had been there for a while, it looked like something in a horror movie. He let out a sob as his eyes landed upon the body tied to the wall. He collapsed to his knees. A sob escaped his throat as tears streamed down his face. He knew that face anywhere. It was sunken in and grey, her eyes had long lost its shine of strength and life. " (y/n)." he sobbed.

He stood up and cupped her sunken cheeks. He bit his lips to quieten his sobbing, all he could think about was her happy and content gaze that met his when he held her cheek. "How long were you begging for me to come and get you?" he wondered. He wanted to break her out of her bonds that kept her tied to the wall. "I let you down and now you're gone," he choked as he stroked his thumb over her cheek. He leaned his head against her still and lifeless chest, "Please, please come back, I need you (y/n) ... Please don't leave me!" he begged.

He sank to the floor and punched it with his fists. The burn on his hand had begun to bleed but there was no greater pain than the invisible knife that had cut through his chest. He had caused this. "I should have never trusted Harumi, why didn't I listen to you," he sobbed. Her skin was so cold, she was so lifeless, he forced himself to look at her again, he noticed the cuts, the blades and everything else she had likely gone through. Lloyd began to sob hysterically as his heart was torn from his chest.

He would never see her again; he would never hear her voice again. He'd never get to awaken at dawn to find her training, everything he loved was gone. The person that was always by his side was gone. He felt as if he had truly lost everything. He clenched the shirt at his chest, no injury, even the death of his father had hurt as much as this did.

"Lloyd," (y/n) said sadly. She wrapped her opaque arms around him. She knew that he wouldn't feel that she was holding him, nor know that she was there but she would hold him until his cries had silenced, she would remain at his side whilst they both mourned the life they had together and the life that would never be. "I missed you too Beans," she muttered, how she missed that warmth. She could imagine how the skin on her arms would prickle as she wrapped him in his arms. She had no heart anymore, but she too felt the loss. "I promise I'm no longer in pain, I'm free and I'm never leaving you again," she promised, "not until you can come with me as well, I wish I could tell you this myself." She stared at her own broken body. The despair, she felt broken, that she'd never be free and now she eternally was, but it was not worth the grief she had brought Lloyd.

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