the prinzesin

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Celestes pov.
Why was i back here..
I knew how this was going to go so why did I show up to where he spends most of his time.....

Maybe I want him to study me.. "SHUT!" I yelled to my thoughts, so embarrassing.

"I always get so surprised seeing you in such cold attire." I heard a voice. I turned to it and smiled at the male.

"So the god came back to see the mortal. Did you miss me~" He said pulling me close to his body.

He started looking around my body, his hands doing there own things. I looked away in embarssment

I tried to catch my breath but I felt his warm lips exploring my neck

I tried to catch my breath but I felt his warm lips exploring my neck

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"A-ah." I breathed out. I felt him grin against my neck. I couldn't handle this anymore.

I grabbed him by his chin and kissed him. I deepend the kiss and repositioned my grip, placing one hand on his face and the other around his waist.
This felt wrong though.

I pulled out of the kiss and looked at him.

"I'm not the right one yknow. That guy from the other day seemed to have deep emotions for you." Albedo said hiding his face in the crook of my neck.

"That's why I'm doing this. I love him too but I'm too scared to admit I love him." I said hugging him.


"It's like my only desire is him. I want him and I need him. I feel like a needy animal waiting for its owner to get back from work. When he kissed me everything went silent and calm. I need more and I wanted more." I said hiding my face in the males chest.

He gripped my chin and made me look at him.

"GO ahead and fake those desires with people than." He said letting me go.

I nodded.

"Who's good at that." I asked him

He looked at me. "I'd tell you but you won't like it." He stated.

I begged him to tell and I wish I didn't.

Your so pretty when you beg.. kinda makes me not want to let you go.." He breathed against my neck again.

I grabbed his shoulders and made him look at me. "You need to stop before I go cemeazy trying to figure out who I want to be with." I said glaring into his soul.

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