Chapter 9 - Shocking Surprise

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Candice. I'm good," I mumbled into her shoulder. She was on the taller side, and curvy. "Vivi's out of town so she's fine, too," I added.

Candice lived on the floor below ours.

"I heard someone moving around upstairs," she explained. "I thought you'd come home from work pissed or somethin'. Didn't put two and two together. I should have texted you." That wouldn't have made any difference, but I didn't say anything. "They're saying Peter was murdered," she whispered, holding my shoulders at arm's length to inspect me. I felt Bastian hovering nearby, heard the hushed murmur of his voice, talking to someone. "Can you believe it? In our own apartment building? I thought Lower East was supposed to be safe." Her warm beige skin was pale, dark eyes searching mine. "I wouldn't be surprised if you wanted to move, though. After this, after what happened to your..." She trailed off, eyes darting behind me.

A large, heavy hand fell comfortably on my shoulder.

"Wow..." she whispered, eyes widening as she took in Bastian. "Who's your friend?" She lifted an inquiring eyebrow, then smiled.

"Oh, right. Candice, Bastian. Bastian, Candice." I turned to better see him, dislodging his hand in the process. "Candice lives in the apartment below mine."

"I see." Bastian's eyes narrowed, critical. "Did you already give your statement?"

"Yep," she nodded, blushing, squaring her shoulders. "Told them what I told Candy. Thought she'd come home pissed, was banging around upstairs about three in the morning. Woke my ass up. Should have texted her, but figured she'd had a rough night...working at Vortex and all."

Bastian made a humming noise in the back of his throat, then nodded. Leaning close, too close, his lips brushed the shell of my ear and he spoke in a low voice. "You've been given clearance to enter. You ready?"

I shivered. But not because I was afraid of what came next. I swallowed against the dryness in my throat. "Right. Let's go."

We set off, entering through the front doors and taking the elevator to the sixth floor. I shared this floor with Peter, who was across the hall. I couldn't help but wonder, was he the intended target, and my apartment merely collateral? Or was my apartment the target all along, and poor Peter had gotten in the way?

When the elevator doors binged and opened, the landing was swarming with activity. I expected to see a bunch of cops in uniform, but most of them were dressed in polos and slacks, business casual, all wearing lanyards and badges. A male stepped forward, a WBI badge clipped to his pants. "Bastian, there you are. I assume you're Candy Kennedy?" I hesitated then nodded. He'd probably gotten that name from the rental agreement. His eyes flicked to Bastian. "You'd better show her into her apartment, but—" He turned back to me. "Don't touch anything yet. WBI is working on fingerprints."

"Uhm...why is WBI involved in a simple break-in?" I managed to ask. Bastian tensed beside me.

"The body found across the hall had—"

"She doesn't need the details, Christian."

"Oh, I think I need the details, Bastian." I glared at him.

"Later," he said, putting a hand at the base of my spine, guiding me forward. I really should have complained, instead of just letting him lead me away with a low, "Come on."

My heart started to race, palms getting sweaty. Everyone we passed nodded at Bastian. I was too fixated on my open apartment door to notice. It was hanging crooked, clearly kicked in. We moved through the opening. A whine wrenched from my throat. I couldn't move forward.

Behind me, Bastian let out a low whistle, then said, "Keep going, Sugar." His hand pressed more firmly against my lower back, imparting warmth I didn't realize I needed.

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