chapter 6

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-enola's pov-
"Y/N!!" I yelled as she collapsed to the floor, I knelt down beside her before lifting her limp body into my arms.
"y/n?" I sobbed as I tucked a small piece of her beautiful y/h/c hair behind her ear.
she weakly smiled back at me before croaking out "enola"
"y/n please don't go" I cried "please y/n, don't leave me.."
she quietly whimpered in pain.
"y/n.." tears were rolling down my face "y/n I love you."
her eyes fluttered shut as she attempted to give me her gorgeous smile again, but it wasn't the same, she was going, forever.
I pulled her tender body up and wrapped my arms around her, in a hug, but it was too late, she was already gone, I cried into her shoulder.
"I love you too, enola." a voice whispered into my ear, I pulled away from y/n's shoulder to examine her face, she was grinning, but this time I didn't feel empty like how I did the last time she smiled.
"y/n?" my hopes sparked up.
"you thought I was gone that easily" she smirked before revealing a metal plate of armour under her uniform.
I beamed wildly, before chuckling softly "great acting skills.. I really thought you were gone.."
she smiled "I could never leave you, enola."
my heart burned, and so did my cheeks, oh how I was so in love with her, until anger bubbled inside of me. I turned around to face her, the woman who had shot the love of my life, in unison tewkesbury, y/n and I stood up. the armour plate clanking against the floor as y/n pulled it off.
"your time is over." tewkesbury spoke out.
the old woman's face dropped.

-time skip-

-y/n's pov-
hand in hand, me and enola strolled through the busy streets of london until we reached a metal gate and heard a familiar voice.
we approached the gate together as tewkesbury did the same, just from the other side.
"congratulations, you finally look like the nincompoop you were born to be" enola teased, causing me to snigger.
"just teasing, you look good. well good for someone like you anyways" she said.
"the vote is in an hour. It's, um.. it's quite the thing." he told us.
"I'm not supposed to bow or anything, am I? now that you are whatever you are?" enola asked.
"well, arguably, you always had to bow" tewkesbury answered "you just.. chose not to"
"oh balls um.." I said "good afternoon, lord tewkesbury of basilwether, posh, posh, rich, rich whatever" whilst bowing, enola chuckled.
"so how are you two.. getting along?" he asked.
"we're.." I was stuck finding the right word.
"falling for eachother" enola finished for me.
"yeah.. that's the right word" I blushed.
"but you're both girls?" tewkesbury questioned.
"we know?" we replied at the same time.
"well, whatever happens, I'll be there for you both, y'know that, right?" he smiled.
"yeah, yeah we know" enola playfully rolled her eyes.
"when will I see you both next?.." he asked.
"soon enough" I told him.
and with that me and enola joined back into the crowds of the bustling londoners, I waved out to tewkesbury before disappearing off with enola dragging me along by my hand.

as usual, enola searched through the newspapers for any sign of her mother. but today there was something, I held my finger up to a column of numbers.
"look!" I exclaimed.
"mother." enola said under her breath.
we borrowed a pencil from the newspaper seller and she began to do her clever, detective stuff.
by the end the code read, 'meet me royal academy five tonight mother.'
"this is my brother's doing" she told me.
"if you say so" I shrugged.
"honestly y/n" she sighed before dragging me off somewhere.

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