Chapter 29 ~ Music Video plans:

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Leon was looking through boxes while Gery walked in she was surprised that Leon was here considering Violetta and him haven't long come off holiday.

Gery: Leon, what are you doing here?

Leon: Federico texted me about the meeting, where is Federico and the boys?

Gery: I'm not sure, but how was your honeymoon?

Leon: It was good, but you know back to reality.

Gery: Well, you didn't have to the band meeting you could've enjoyed the rest of your day as you just come back from your honeymoon.

Leon: No, honeymoon over.

Gery: And how does Violetta feel about you going back to reality?

Leon: She's fine, what's with all these questions?

As Gery was about to answer Broduey and Maxi came in.

Broduey: Leon, we weren't expecting you here, we thought you would still be in honeymoon mode

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Broduey: Leon, we weren't expecting you here, we thought you would still be in honeymoon mode.

Leon: What is with everyone look my honeymoon ended now it's time to focus back on the band.

Maxi: Wow, someone is in a mood what problems with Violetta already?

Leon: No, we're fine where's the rest of the boys?

Maxi: They aren't coming where Federico is spending time with Danny and Andres, I don't have a clue.

Leon: So, it's just us.

Maxi: Pretty much.

While they were talking Pablo came in with a guy as they looked at them.

Pablo: Guys, this is Juan he is going to help you record your music video while Brenda is recording your album well you will be recording your music Video too so you will need a new song by Friday.

Maxi: Friday?

Leon: Well, tomorrow I must pick up wedding photos, but I think I can think of some music to go with it.

Broduey: Wedding photos?

Leon: Yeah, you know the photos from my wedding.

Maxi: Oh, right, well, we will have to tell Federico and Andres first and then we can see if we can produce anything.

Leon: Yeah, and I'm sure we will be ready by Friday.

After Leon and the boys talked, Leon went home where he saw Grace running at him as he was shouting for Violetta.

After Leon and the boys talked, Leon went home where he saw Grace running at him as he was shouting for Violetta

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