Chapter 20 - The big announcement:

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Ludmila ~

After the ceremony I went upstairs to powder my nose and, I needed to feed Danny since it was time for his feed, when I sat on the bed and took Danny out of his crib and pulled my dress down so he could breastfeed while I was feeding him, Federico came in to tell me they were doing the buffet and then he walked in and saw me and Danny.

Federico: Are you okay, my love?

Ludmila: Yeah, *Sniffling* It is just weddings they get to me, but I am fine, I will be down in a minute I am just feeding Danny.

Federico: *Looks at her* Awe, my love, okay I will save you a plate.

Ludmila: Okay, *Stood up* Federico, you know I love you right?

Federico: Of course, I do, I love you too and *Strokes Danny's hair* I love both of you.

Ludmila: And I do not ever want to stop loving you or Danny.

Federico: Wow, wedding's do get to you, don't they?

Ludmila: It must be my hormones, *Puts Danny in his crib and sorts out her dress*

Federico: You know *Takes her hair out of her strap* We are alone up here.

Ludmila: Federico, Danny is right there.

Federico: *Kisses her neck* Well, if we keep it down, he will not know anything.

Ludmila: How about I take Danny downstairs with Olga and then I will come back up?

Federico: *Sees Naty walking* Naty!!! Come here.

Naty: Yeah.

Federico: Will you look after Danny for a couple of minutes while we have some alone time?

Naty: Sure, *Federico hands Danny to her* Hey, auntie Naty got you, yes, she does.

She walked out of the room and Federico closed the door and they kissed passionately while stripping each other and landed up in bed together.

Federico: Oh, now we are the first couple to have wedding sex even though it is not our wedding.

Ludmila: We should get up; everyone is wondering where we are.

Federico: Do you think Leon and Violetta care if they are missed when they have alone time?

Ludmila: *Cuddles him* No, but we are not Leon and Violetta, Naty is tied with Danny.

Federico: *Kisses her again* All right, we will get up, but we will carry this on when we get home, deal?

Ludmila: Yeah, deal, now get dressed.

They got up and Federico got dressed Ludmila was sitting on the bed watching him, but he turned around and kissed her one more time before going downstairs.

When Federico went downstairs, Violetta greeted him, she knew exactly what they did, Federico's hair was a mess.

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