Chapter 42 - Meanwhile after Diego and Francesca went on their honeymoon:

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Violetta's nightmare ~

Violetta woke up to the doorbell, as she sat up and took Leon's hand off her waist and got up well put her dressing gown on, she walked downstairs to the door to see who was when she opened the door, she saw Clemont, she invited him in.

Clemont: Hey, Violetta, how are you?

Violetta: Hi, Clemont, I am fine, what are you doing here?

Clemont: I wanted to know how you were.

Violetta: I am fine as I said, you did not have to come all this way just to see me.

Clemont: Where is Leon?

Violetta: he is upstairs asleep; you have not answered my question what are you doing here?

Clemont: Are you going to invite me in?

Violetta: Yeah, come on in, would you like a drink?

Clemont: *Walks in* Yes, please I will have some water.

Violetta told Clemont to make himself comfortable while she got him some water Meanwhile Leon woke up and went downstairs in his joggers with no top, when he saw Clemont sat on the sofa, he was confused he asked him where Violetta was.

Leon: Oh, where's Violetta?

Clemont: She is in the kitchen.

Leon: Right, so what are you doing here?

Clemont: I came to see Violetta, is that a problem?

Leon: You came to see my wife at 7:00 in the morning, what could be so important at this time?

Clemont: That is for Your wife and me to know not you.

Leon: Excuse me? Well, she is going to tell me anyway, because I am her husband, and we tell each other everything.

Clemont: Right, you do not have secrets?

Leon: That is right.

Clemont: You will want to know what happened when she left the wedding to find me.

Leon: What the hell are you talking about?

Clemont: *Stood up* When Violetta left the wedding, she came to find me, Leon.

Violetta came into the living room and saw Leon staring at Clemont, she was confused about what was happening. 

Violetta: Oh, my love, you are up.

Leon: Yeah, I want to know what this loose end is talking about.

Violetta: Why did he say?

Leon: You two have a secret.

Violetta: What?

Leon: Explain.

Clemont: When Violetta left the wedding, she was with me, where you first kissed Leon, and we nearly kissed.

Leon: *Folded his arms* What? *Looks at Violetta* Is that true?

Violetta: Uh... *Looks at Leon and gulps*

Leon: Cannot believe this, you nearly kissed Clemont, oh, now I understand why you fainted guilt.

Violetta: I did not go through with it.

Leon: Oh, as you did with Diego, you know the way you kept telling me, I did not kiss him I swear, till you did.

Violetta: Leon, this is different.

Leon: Oh, why is it different hmm? Because it is not in front of millions of people or me.

Violetta: Clemont, why did you come here?

Five months after... *Book 2*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن