Chapter 9

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(Short chapter! Enjoy!)

Bakugou and I were looking for Marinette who was me. 
It was pouring but I was under the umbrella on Bakugou's shoulder.
"Where could she be?"  He mumbled.
It was getting dark too.

I felt bad for him.
Walking around in the rain searching for me when I knew he couldn't find me.

"This is all my fault..." He mumbled.
"Meow..." I nuzzled his neck.
How is this his fault?

He sat down under this shelter.
He dropped the umbrella and let me down in between his legs.
"If I wasn't so mean to her. If I didn't embarrass her in front of everyone! Fuck!" He screamed at the end and punched his fist against the stone wall. 

I was concerned about his hand. 
"I hate myself! I'm so fucking stupid!" He glared at the floor.
I pawed at his face.
"I don't know how you hang out with me Chibi. She's missing because of me. Mina's right. I am a dumbass. I am stupid. This is all my fault. She can be lost. Hurt. Hungry. She's so stupid, how can she survive out here? Ugh!"
I saw wet stuff drip down his face and onto the floor.
"He's crying...because of me?"
I put my head on his forehead and closed my eyes and let him cry.
"I'm sorry Bakugou. If I can...I would turn back into a human right now..." I sighed. 

Bakugou x MarinetteNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ