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A ferry in the distance can be heard sounding its horn, warning other boats in the dark water of its arrival. April and you arrive at a place that is not familiar to you, and it's nothing like what you expected.

It's a dock, like she said, but it doesn't seem like anyone has been here in ages. Maybe stray animals, but definitely not humans. Wood is rotting, abandoned cargo crates and barrels are strewed across the area, and not a single boat or machine is anywhere in sight. You had to thank that this 'party' was at night, because this area in full light would probably totally gross you out. You can almost smell the mold growing underneath the man-made platform.

"April, are you sure-" You start to ask if you're in the right place, but April waves a hand near your face and shushes you, "Shh, we're sneaking up on them..." She's crouching down near the floor, moving across it slowly. You look past her, trying to spot anything at all, but it's to no avail. You follow her anyway, stealthily moving behind her. As best that you can, at least.

You don't exactly know what your current goal is, but you're happy to be included. The quiet stalking proves to be difficult, the old planks beneath your feet wanting to creek at every slight movement that you make. But you're managing to balance yourself well, and you're slightly impressed by yourself. You smile lightly as you look at the ground.

April slows down and rests in a spot behind a makeshift cement wall. The years have chipped it down quite a lot. April looks back at you to make sure you're there. You tilt your head as a form of reassurance, but also to question what's going on. April just goes back to looking at the other side of the wall.

You peer around her shoulder, getting a glimpse of four figures that are gently murmuring to each other. They're all standing facing away, a large light source in front of them. You can't really make out what it is, but it's pretty bright. But it's also short range, somehow. The light casting onto April's friends creates strange shadows, and also directly hits your eyes, making it hard to see the entire scene. Your attention is pulled away whenever April turns to you. In a hushed voice she informs, "On the count of three."

"One," Your body tenses slightly, assuming that the two of you are about to jump out from your hiding spot, "Two," Is scaring people the best way to make an introduction? Well, it is a party... and if they're as friendly as April, then it shouldn't be a problem. 

"Three," She moves before you, even though you were totally prepared to take action. You just move forward a bit, but April goes full in and leaps into the air, "SURPRIIISE!" She yells out as she crashes into the others. You're lagging behind, standing in front of the wall with wide eyes. You didn't know you were supposed to yell, nor jump. A simple 'Boo' or 'Hey' was probably what you would've done.

Everyone else is the clearing screams, falling back or trying to run away from the sudden arrival of a falling girl. When April lands clumsily, water balloons fall to the floor, a large majority of them popping and splashing onto the surrounding area. The others try to grab them again and to put them back in their arms before it's too late, but they do not find success.

When everyone is collapsed and trying to regain themselves, you get a better look at the new people. And... Well, to put it one way, they weren't really what you expected them to be. They seem to be large animals. They all have rough green skin and shells to go along, but their sizes and shapes vary between each person. Each of them have their own distinguishable colored mask wrapped around their head.

The one with a blue mask and red face markings falls to his knees, "No! This can't be! My balloons!" He gazes at the newly formed puddles with sadness in his eyes. The one in an orange mask pats his shoulder comfortingly.

April pumps her arms in the air, seemingly oblivious to the devastation, "Ha, got you! I surprised the surprise party!" You grin at her excitement. The purple masked person lets out a fake sigh as they help April stand once again, "Ah, yes you did. Except it wasn't a surprise party. Because we invited you. We invited you to the party," April chuckles at the faux complaining. She hits his shoulder lightly, "Yeah, whatever."

april o'neil x reader 💀 (ROTTMNT)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt