Chapter 13 - Kings College + Wedding of Harry & Meghan (2018)

Começar do início

                                                                                  (Meghan's face) 

Meghan: It went well until she said the dress was so tight that she couldn't breathe, then the seamstress and I quickly took the dress off, and she started talking nonsense in which I said "Calm down honey, we're taking it off...", we took it off the dress she was already sweating started to speak without any sense in a moment, she slipped in which her knee hurt and started to bleed I called two servants and they took her to the infirmary they took care of her and at this moment she is in her room here at the Castle. 

Kate: My god, on behalf of my daughter I apologize. I've never seen her talk like that to anyone ever. 

Meghan: I know with the dress fitting it's very complicated, you know, but I also understand how she feels, we're all excited, especially her with school with her work...

After both talking, Kate found out where her daughter was, and before entering the room, she saw the queen coming out and wiping some tears from her eyes and then she went in and talked to her. 

Kate: Helena I heard from Meghan that you misbehaved that you said nonsense and more before entering the room I saw your great-grandmother wipe tears from her eyes, I want to hear your version tell me. 

Helena: You want the truth, I'll tell you, I don't care if anyone believes what I'm going to say. was next."An hour and a half before you entered the room, I put on the dress, it was me and Meghan plus her best friend Jessica Mulroney and the seamstress. During the fitting of the dress, I complained that it was too tight in the waist and Meghan said " Honey if you want your waist to not be too wide you'll have to exercise and eat fruit because then you won't fit in the dress." she laughed and this friend of hers low to her said " FAT!!!" I heard everything she said everything but when the seamstress came in they said the dress was good and from then on I started saying "I want to go out, I'm feeling bad, please!!" "Take this off quick man!!", while they took off the dress and the seamstress was not present in the room they started laughing at me as I was behaving, they managed to take my dress off, but I slipped and hit something iron and hit my knee, they laughed and laughed "What a princess is this ?" "The future queen crying in the future queen suffered" "My god she even looks like the Kensington's servants are babies!!!", while they were laughing I had panic attacks, then the seamstress came in they changed their attitude and position helped me to get up and wipe the tears from my face, Jessica called two servants to them they helped to go to the infirmary a doctor examined my knee he did an x-ray and saw that part of a bone was miraculously dislocated and he also examined my foot he did not notice anything and with help, he went to this room we are in now. 

 Kate cried at her daughter's mouth and hugged her.

 Kate: Oh my god, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, defending you. 

 Helena: It doesn't matter, the great-grandmother when they told her what happened came to me here I had ice and I told her everything, to which she said "Hey honey, I know, I heard!!" and I said "What??" and she replied "yes want in the castle I have small cameras in the bedrooms so I know what happened" and she said more so I will inform harry and meghan that I have given up being maid of honor" and I just nodded, when I told to great-grandfather everything she also burst into tears she gave me a hug and I cried and she said, "It's going to be all right dear." In the end, she told me and promised me that I would go to the wedding.

Kate: Good.

After that, the month of January and February had already passed, in which the princess did a lot of homework, she missed her brothers and one day before the wedding, already in the Castle's room, with a party going on downstairs, she felt abandoned by everyone they loved and loved and by the words that Meghan said to her that she never told her mother. Meghan said, "You're a weakling, you're going to be ignorant for life, you idiot!!!" "Get up fat ass!!!", she cried and said, "You're right Meghan I'm going to be ignorant, but I tell you one thing you can also be ignorant and false just like you lied when you said your father couldn't come, and I ask you, don't you have any more family to be your mother?!" "You're a fake!!!", she didn't know that whoever was listening to her crying and talking was the queen's secretary (...). At 9 am, the princess woke up, took a shower in which she put on a second outfit, and went to the living room, where she was already familiar.

Princess in Love - English Version (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora