Chapter 2-Picnic

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"Good morning, darling." Alma spoke as she walked into the kitchen, finding you'd already started breakfast. "Up early are we?" She smiled though you didn't bother to spare her a glance, busying yourself with cutting strawberries to top pancakes. You were surprised when you felt her kiss your cheek. She saw the confused expression you sent her and explained. "The rules of the game, remember?"

You nodded but muttered to yourself. "Emma's not even here, who's gonna know?"

"What was that, Y/n?"

"Nothing. Do you want to start cooking the pancakes? I've already prepared the batter." You pointed to a large bowl filled with batter you'd made only a few minutes before the other woman had come downstairs. She nodded and got to work. A pleasant silence filled the kitchen. One that you ended up breaking. "I was wondering if we could do something fun with the children later? A picnic perhaps? I found a great place for one."

"That sounds lovely. What a wonderful idea."


"So Miss P, Olive and I have began planning your first date." Emma said, pulling the woman aside after breakfast.


"Yes, the one that you're required to go on with Y/n as the rules stated. Keep up, please. It'll be tonight, after dinner. Now typically a dinner date is the most practical. But in the modern world there will be a ferry arriving just after reset. It'll take you to the mainland where you will both watch a movie. A real one. You'll be back around midnight if all goes according to plan. And no, you get no say in this. Understood?" Miss Peregrine just sighed and nodded, knowing full well it was her own fault to sign up for this. "And on another note, you'll have to barrow some of Y/N's clothes. She's the only one that keeps up with current world fashion trends and it's probably best if you blend in."

"Alright, Emma. Sure. Now, please tell the other children that we're going to be leaving the house just before lunch. Y/n suggested a picnic and she said she found a new spot she'd like to try."

"Yes, Miss Peregrine." The girl answered politely before rushing off.

"And what was that about?" You asked Alma when she returned to the kitchen where you'd just finished the dishes.

"Emma was just informing me that our first date would be tonight." She said as though it were nothing. Well, because it wasn't really anything. But it hurt to see her discard it like that.

"Oh.. okay." You nodded slowly, staring at the floor.

"What? Are you not excited to go on a date with me?" She joked, walking over to you. "But really, we could stop at any time."

"No, I'm fine. Just anxious to see what she has planned. You know Emma, things hardly ever go smoothly."

"Well, I suppose you have a point." She replied, suppressing a small laugh. "For now let's focus on the picnic, alright?" You nodded and gave her a small halfhearted smile.


"This way!" You yelled back at the group of kids following you up a large hill. You brought them through a group of trees and smiled when you saw the picnic spot you'd had in mind. You nodded to yourself and went to lay out a blanket ways away from the cliff that looked over the ocean that shimmered in the sun.

"Y/n." You stood up when you heard Alma call your name. She was looking over the edge of the cliff and had already put down the baskets of food she'd been holding. You walked over and stood next to her, but instead of looking at her you gazed out at the ocean. "How in birds name did you find this place?"

"I like to explore during free time. No one really notice my absence anyway." You shrugged.

"I do. So you run off to explore everyday? I've always wondered what you were doing. After the first few times I decided to let it be after realizing you wouldn't suddenly disappear forever." She smiled to herself, shaking her head. "The first time though, you terrified me. I flew around the island twice and couldn't find you. I was glad to see you were back home when I'd arrived though and chose not to mention it."

"Oh." Was all you could manage to say. You'd been unaware that anyone had noticed your absence, let alone seemed to realize everyday and was worried. "I didn't know you knew." You braved a look at her, only to find she was smiling at you, her sharp eyes carefully observing your face. You felt your cheeks heat up at her gaze. "It's rude to stare, you know." You said, using a few of her own words against her. Earring you a laugh from her.

"My sincerest apologies, darling. Though I seem to find it hard not to." She said, a bit a flirtatious hint to her voice before she turned to go and speak with the children. You didn't move, opting to stand there shocked into silence instead.

"Did she break you?" Emma teased, walking over. "You're not going to lay very long on the date are you?" You sighed and shook your head. The girl gave you a pitying look. "You do know she's going to be wearing your clothes? I told her it was just to blend it but I just wanted both of your reactions." She laughed when you gave her a withering stare. "What? It was hilarious!"

"Birds so help me I will jump off this cliff right now." You whisper shouted at her in case the children nearby were listening.

"Do it. There's just water down there anyway. You'd live."

"Water and sharp rocks. It'd take a miracle to survive. This place may be pretty, but it can be fatal too. Depending on weather or not someone takes to proper precautions, such as standing a safe distance away. Come, let's back up." You grabbed her by the arm and pulled her further from the jagged edge, which had the tendency to crumble under one's weight.

Emma glanced nervously at the edge but went back with you, shaking off your hand and sitting down by Claire, starting a conversation with the younger girl about one of her many dolls. You on the other hand went to sit by Alma, sighing out of relief when you realized you wouldn't have to keep up anymore conversations. You laid back on the grass that was right behind you. Alma gave you a curious glance but mostly ignored you as she continued her conversation with Enoch. Though she not so subtly slipped her hand into yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze. You smiled a bit at this and closed your eyes to relax, not letting go of her hand.


Can't tell if this was weird or not, haven't slept in a few days

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