Ch. 5: The Talk With Ned Flanders/Rescuing Bart

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*Continuing from this Scene*

Mii: Stay safe.

Me: If anything comes up, Let Me Know.

Mii: Yes Sir.

*I activate the portal and walk through*

*I arrive in the Simpsons World, My Skin is Yellow, and My Hair Is still the Blonde Curly Mullet I Know, I Am Met with a Good Ol'...*

???: How you diddly do, Stranger?

Me: Hello There, Sir, I am doing good, Is it okay if i can borrow some of your time, I need to talk to you about something or someone.

Ned: Sure thing, Come on In. I Like your Necklace.

Me: I try, I just listen to Gospel Rock Music Anyday.

Ned: Just as long as it is Gospel, I will take that action.

*I enter the house, Making A Small Simpson Boy a Little Curious*


Ned: Hot Chocolate?

Me: Thank You.

*He hands me the cup*

Ned: So what brings you here to Springfield?

Me: well, I'm from out of town but I feel like I received a prayer, about a young boy named "Bart Simpson." I need some info before I know I'm doing the right thing.

Ned: Hmmm... Well, it depends what do you think you're going to do once you know enough info?

Me: Save Him, Train him, and treat him right, unlike his father.

Ned: Answers that question, I will warn you Homer is a tougher one to deal with... He does call me nicknames and I seem unaffected by them.

Me: Same Here about the Nickname affections...

Ned: Alright here's what I know of honesty, he does have a very abusive father, a very grumbly mother, an overachieving sister, and a baby sister... *After 20 Minutes Of Explanation, During all that, Bart was listening to everything and felt like he was wrong being in a family like this, No wonder he felt so Badass and Lazy* ... Bottom line, if you are tougher than all four of them to get to Bart and treat him, train him, and raise him right, then you have my deep agreement for Bart's Safety.

Me: Understood, this will all be more than helpful, Thanks again for the Hot chocolate.

Ned: No Problem.

Me: And hey, should I land a strike on Homer for Maude?

Ned: Revenge ain't my way, it's up to you, but I'm pretty sure Maude would have wanted that... So do it for her, but don't kill him.

Me: Yes Sir.

*I come out the door, and Bart was leaning against the outside wall and looked like he heard everything*

Me: So I take it you heard what me and Ned were talking about?

Bart: Yeah, Who The Hell Are You?

Me: Someone who knew what it was like to be misunderstood... And someone who's going to save you from that abusive father.

Bart: I'd rather you just give me out of here to keep me safe... You don't have to worry about doing anything bad to Homer, I don't really respect him as a father as much.

Me: Are you sure?

Bart: Yeah I'm sure, Homer's got no ropes on me, That abusive pile of beer, regret, and pony-vomit fear coated lies, I'd rather go with someone who is as cold as you rather than with that, Beer Addict Excuse Of A Father. *Slowly realizes* He's standing right behind me isn't he?

Me: Yeah.

Homer: Why You Li- *Felt Something Choking him as he collapsed*

Me: Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, Simpson. *I let go, and Bart follows me through the portal*


*I come back with Bart and was unsettled*

Me: Why is there blood on the concrete?

Mii: Why is Bart's neck thinner than Usual?

Me: This is just what he looks like.

Bart: Relax, he's never seen someone of my kind before, give him Grace.

Me: Fine.

Mii: Well, Good to see you made it back.

???: May I ask what you're doing with my son?

*The Three of Us Turn to See Marge, and she did not look happy, but neither did I and the angry scale on my face made her change expressions*

Me: First you tell me why you're married to that drunk, abusive, feared excuse of a father, this is the main reason why I have your son here, to be away from Homer.

Marge: Bart, tell me you're not staying...

Bart: Sorry, Not Sorry, Mom, but unless if I see an actual sincere apology from Homer for every time he has strangled me, I am staying and never coming back. Didn't you have to go through abuse and bullying too?

Marge: *grumbles* Fine, you can stay... And I'm going to bring Maggie with me and I'm going to stay with you.

Me: O... Kay.

Marge: Sorry, can you do that portal thing again.

Me: What is the magic word?

Marge: Please.

Me: *Portal Opens* There you go*

*2 Hours Later, everything gets situated, Bart Maggie and Marge now stay in a room in the hotel*


Will things get better from here?

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