Three: The Three Headed Dragon Pt. 2

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3rd Pov:

The world was silent, not a sound broke the barrier of tranquil night. And with darkness the sky was full, the stars breaking through aiding the moon with casting some light upon the earth. And as all seemed to be right and just on this most peaceful of nights, a distinct and distant sound was heard. Like a wolf, it seemed to howl into the night, but it sounded far more animalistic, far more terrifying. Like a deep voiced banchee, a screech was heard throughout the whole of Dragon Stone, and the wild dragons there did look up to catch a glimpse of this sound.

Suddenly a massive dragon, gold were its scales, descended from the clouds, its grand wings covering the stars of the sky. And as it landed, its clawed feet kissing the earth, the dragon did roar; and a mighty roar it was. So powerful did it shake the foundations of Dragon Stone, so mighty that two wild dragons did bow, and so awesome that it was heard for miles. The dragon, three heads upon its three necks connected to its one body, gazed menacingly at the wild dragons of Dragon Stone, or rather the one wild dragon that did not bow before him.

The largest of the wild dragons, the Cannibal, glared back at this new beast. The three headed dragon then gave another roar, this one more threatening than the last. The Cannibal however didn't waver, he was the largest dragon behind only Vhagar herself, he wouldn't bend to this beast.

All three sets of eyes on the golden beast of Essos narrowed. The dragon now stood up to its true height, dwarfing the others. Larger than even the Dread, the three in one's opened his wings to their full span and growled as he peered down at the Cannibal. Still the Cannibal did not back down, standing to his own full height and opening his wings, he growled back defiantly. The other two dragons backed away a single step before screeching at the two largest dragons.

It would soon begin, the struggle for power between the children of fire would soon commence, the dance of dragons. However, the battle would not last long. With a single glance to the other two heads, the center head of the larger beast began to charge his breath and the other two did join him. Seeing this, the Cannibal did the same. Though what happened next came as a surprise for the wild dragons. Instead of the orange and red bright flames of most dragons there was gold and piercing hot bolts and beams of lightning. And when the two breathes clashed, when fire met lightning, the plant life around them did scorch. And with three breathes being far more powerful than one the Cannibal's fire was pushed back, and lightning struck hard and it struck fast. The Cannibal was sent to its feet, crumbling before the larger beast of Essos. The Cannibal did bow before the might and strength of the golden god, and quickly made his way back to his cave to lick his wounds.

With his power secured amongst the wild dragons of Dragon Stone the three heads turned their sights to the sea. With two lunges the beast now stood at the edge of the island. And the beast belted another grand roar, letting its presence be known.

Blue eyes opened. Sitting up in his bed, Dracarys turned his gaze to his balcony, pale porcelain skin glowing from the candle light. Rising from his bed, Dracarys descended from mess of cloth and blankets, his feet kissing the cold stone of the castle floor. And as he now stood before the balcony, his form did fill the archway. Dracarys walked out onto the elevated surface, and the air of the night sky blew his hair back ever so slightly. Dracarys made his way to the very edge of the balcony, and as first light broke through the night sky Dracarys settled his attention on the distance. And in high Valyrian he spoke with no doubt.

"I hear you." And with those words said, the prince walked back into his chambers and lye back down to sleep.

Dracarys walked through the halls of the Red Keep with questions bubbling in his mind; what was that sound, that call? He had to know, his child curiosity was easily getting the best of him. So the young prince thought it's be best to ask the man he felt knew almost everything about old Valyria, his grandfather. As Dracarys made his way towards his Grandfather's chambers, he found himself surrounded by courtiers, each giving him praise for his name day. Dracarys thanked them of course, but he was solely focused on speaking with his grandfather. He finally arrived. A member of the King's guard announced him before Dracarys made his way into the room. Siting off to the side in his chair was Viserys, Alicent adjusting the blanket on his knees.

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