Chapter 9 - The Messenger of the Ancient Ones

Start from the beginning

_ "Who... who are you?" asked Mr. Lordi, gritting his teeth.

_ "Me? Oh but I'm just the messenger." replied the stranger, greeting them with a kind of distinguished bow, almost as if they were making fun of them. "My name is Morgott, and I have the honor to serve and represent here and now the master and creator of this universe. It is he himself who created me, as well as your worlds, and your races. And now he calls you back. Why refuse his call? How ungrateful."

He smiled cruelly as he spoke, showing a pronounced sadism, and this calm and this confidence which he showed was not reassuring.

_"We have already defeated two of the Great Ancient Ones, and we will do the same with the last one." Emily shouted.

_ "Poor ignorant little thing..." answered Morgott, not at all frightened. "Lords Ycnarr'Orveh and Raal'Amlagash were only a prelude to what was really to come. As I speak to you, millions of your pathetic little worlds have already disappeared, recalled into nothingness by my master. And he is now on its way for yours. What do you think you can do? Do you really think your power of love can do anything about it? Such a thought is almost insulting, and for such audacity, I will be happy to convey the message to you, in another way."

With a snap of his finger, Morgott caused the weather to change abruptly, the wind strengthening and a storm beginning to rise over the area. The old grimoire at his belt began to levitate and open on its own, an ominous blue glow coming from within the pages. Emily and the monsters had a very bad feeling, feeling almost overwhelmed by the accentuation of power that emanated from this Morgott. All around him, dozens of small vortices levitating in the air were materializing, and from these were hurled a rain of sharp blades.

_"Protect yourselves!" Emily yelled as she huddled with Mr. Lordi and summoned her shield around them for protection.

Blades flew at full speed, shattering against the shield's energy wall. Ox, Mana, Kita, and G-Stealer leaped behind wrecked cars for protection while Awa turned transparent like a ghost, letting several blades pass through her without doing damage. In retaliation, Awa used her banshee cry, letting out a very loud shrill cry in the direction of Morgott. But the latter was much too fast and in barely a second covered the distance that separated him from his enemies, grabbing Awa by the throat, lifting her and knocking her violently against the broken asphalt under the shocked eyes of the group.

_"AWA!" yelled Ox. "Don't touch her, you son of a bitch!"

Carried away by anger, seeing his dear countess on the ground and half stunned, the minotaur jumped up and wanted to throw a monumental punch, but his hand was stopped with frightening ease by the palm of Morgott, who sketched a smirk.

_"My turn." he said.

With those two cynical words, the messenger of the Ancient Ones punched Ox so hard that the latter gasped and was thrown backwards through the wall of a house a few feet away. Amid the utter chaos that had ensued, Emily could see several dozen cultists of the Ancient Ones, all armed and equally crazed, spring up and begin to swarm the neighborhood, entering devastated homes and attacking residents who had no time to escape. With horror, Emily saw her parents being threatened by several of these dangerous fanatics.

_"MOM! DAD!" Emily screamed with a tear welling up in the corner of her eye.

_ "Emily, go save them! Me and the others, we're going to hold Morgott back!" Mr. Lordi told her, not as an order.

The young lady of Lapland, her heart pounding with fear for the survival of her two parents, hurried towards them, her sword in hand. Mr. Lordi watched her, knowing she was strong enough to fight cultists alone, then armed with his axe, supported by Mana, Kita and G-Stealer, turned to Morgott, while Awa had managed to get up and went to see if Ox was okay. His grimoire still levitating several meters in the air and letting emanating fumes of unhealthy energy from its pages, the messenger of the apocalypse, with a smile more than cruel and assured, materialized two new serrated blades covered with improbable runes, which he took in his hands and, by magic, covered them with incandescent blue flames.

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