in the back of my mind

Depuis le début

so some time has passed, and Monty is still here, in fact. 4 kids have already fallen asleep on him, one on his back with their arms wrapped around his neck, two on each side of him with their heads resting on his legs, and one in his lap. the sight makes me laugh.

all of a sudden the gates open

alan and avid walk through the doors and walk up to me "hello Mr sun how are you today?" asks avid "Oh Ho Hello! avid, alan I'm doing just swell today! and how about you?" I ask "oh we're just fine Mr sun, so are you ready to get started?" she asks, alan sitting down on the security desk to keep watch over the kids with Monty "Oh why yes I am, how about you head on up to the room we were in yesterday, I have to do something first," I say she nods and walks up to the main room, I turn my attention on monty "got a staring problem there sunny?" says monty in his smoker like voice. "no. just reminding you to watch the kids, and I mean watch them, make sure they take their naps in about 5 minutes, ill be back in a bit." he nods and I walk up to the balcony above the ball pit, when I get there I see avid sitting down at that small table where we sat yesterday, so I sit down in my usual spot

"alright sun, you ready?"

"as ready as ill ever be" I chuckle

she nods and takes her notebook out of her black delivery bag, along with a pen, she opens the notebook and looks through her notes very quickly, "okay so when we left off we were talking about your brother's virus, so I want to go back to that considering I have more question s to ask about him and his virus, so besides the incidents that we talked about yesterday, was there any other accidents that happened regarding moons virus?" she asks, I think for a while, "honestly I have no idea if there were anything else I was only awake for those two".

she nods and writes down a couple of things in her notebook, "alright, so how do you think moons virus affected him?" I look at her "well I know his voice got deeper and raspier, it used to be softer than how it is now, but parts and services called just called it a simple voice change, and um, from what he told me his eyes change when the virus is active when we first met each other we described how we looked to each other in full detail, from what I remember he told me his eyes were blue but when the virus takes it to affect they turn red" she looks up at me absolutely intrigued, "red" I hear her mumble "strange"

she looks back down at her notes and jots down a few more things "so still on the topic of your brother, I understand that he's mostly a security bot correct? do you think the thing that causes him to harm people is because of him being a security bot?" she asks "well, no not really moon isn't on patrols now after the first incident in the daycare, but when he did patrols he wasn't this aggressive so no I don't think so" she nods

"alright sun, I understand that you have Two other brothers? can you tell me about them?"

I look at her shocked. how does she know about them

"I- I had two older brothers yes... their names were eclipse and lunar. they were decommissioned about 2 years after me and moon were created, me and moon were very close to them. eclipse acted a lot like moon but he was nicer in a way, and lunar acted just like me, that's where moon says I get my personality from heh..."

"sun? do you know why they were decommissioned?" she asks gently.

(feel free to play the song now)

"well, I know eclipse became much more violent and they had to decommission him because he killed three workers, and as for lunar, he got decommissioned because of budget cuts"

"I'm very sorry to hear that, your family sounded so happy," she says very sentimentally

"thank you avid, I appreciate it," I say as she gets up off her chair and stands up, "I think it's safe to say that we are done with the inspection, I know all I did was ask questions but I trust you sunny, so ima take these notes to parts and services, and the head of fazbear entertainment, don't worry sun I'm not going to tell them that moon hurt people, I want to help him, you don't need to worry about losing anyone else"

I smile and stand up with her "thank you, thank you so much" she smiles, shakes my hand, and leaves

-"did you hear that moony? were safe together! nothings gonna happen!"- sun

-"That's great sunny, um... I do have to tell you something tho"- moon

-"Oh Okay?! what do you need to tell me?"- sun

-" its uh about my virus..."- moon

-"Oh what about it? I thought you said you had that under control?"- sun

-"well I thought it was under control, but I think it's coming back, and it hurts, that's why I haven't been out during nap time"- moon

-"Wait wait!, It's back? when on earth did it come back?!"- sun

-"I don't think it ever really left sunny"-moon

-"oh my! oh my! oh my! this is bad! it could be getting worse! and then... no your still here, it won't happen again right?"- sun

-"I wish I knew."-moon

-"...moon I'm sorry but I think its best if you don't come out for a while... that means no visiting music man"- sun

-"WHAT?!?! Sun! NO! I can't stay in here forever!! and taking music man away!?! are you insane!?! HES THE ONLY ANIMATRONIC I CARE ABOUT BESIDES YOU!, PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU DONT TAKE THIS AWAY FROM ME!"- moon

I sighed he sounded so hurt,

-"I'm so sorry moon, but it's for your own good, I'm doing this to keep you and everyone else safe. you could go all kill-crazy again! and I can't deal with sitting back and watching again!!"- sun

-" I know you struggle when I try to forcefully take over... you can't keep me here forever sun, you know you can't stand the pain.."-moon

-"I'm sorry moon. but I'm done. I can't let you destroy yourself or others around you"-sun

-"... I hate you..."-

I stop talking to moon, thinking about how he said he hated me. hates a strong word and it hurts but I'm doing the right thing, right? this is what they would want me to do... I'm keeping him safe. he just doesn't see it.

I walk to the balcony to see all the kids gone, along with Monty. I walk back to my room, plug us in and fall asleep

(OH MY GOSH IM SO SORRY I DIDNT UPDATE, IT TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE THIS, I had dance classes today and I have to practice my choreography so I didn't really have time to update. ill try to update again as soon as I can)

(song does not belong to me)

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