Matt switches lanes and begins to speed up, this time the van doesn't block us. We're level with the van and we both take a look at the people inside. The driver is bald with glasses and is topless showing his skinny build, the passenger is bigger with a fully grown beard and a cap. Both are hysterically laughing exposing their unevenly shaped, discoloured teeth. Ew.

Still facing the van Matt speaks up. "Pass me that bottle." He points over to an empty glass bottle at the side of the car door next to me.

I pick it up and hand it to him. "This one?"

He looks at the bottle as he takes it from my hand. "Thanks." He speeds up more so we're in front of the van, he lowers his window and throws the glass bottle at them.

A quick second later a huge shattering sound surrounds the area.

I let out a long gasp as I look behind and see the van swerving, losing control whilst their front windscreen is cracked. Another car next to it creates distance whilst swerving a little.

"What the hell Matt?!" I turn back around when I see the van regain control. "That could've gone so wrong."

Matt's tone is flat as he focuses on the road and takes the next exit. "That's nothing."

"Forget about the people in the van, they could've hit into someone."

"I checked before I did it, nobody was around."

"Don't lie, I saw another car next to them losing control."

"There were no cars."

I'm frustrated with his replies. "You could've killed someone Matt."

He slightly raises his tone showing he's annoyed. "Why do you care, huh? Your boyfriend has killed more people than me."

I'm taken aback by that comment. I had suspicion that Theo has killed someone before because he tells me he teaches people lessons and fixes their mess when he does jobs for his clients. He only told me he hurts them but I always had a feeling he might've went too far and killed one person. Matt said Theo has killed more than him meaning he's killed multiple people and I don't even know how many Matt has killed to compare it to.

Matt's tone softens. "The others will wonder where the food is, we will drift another day."

I nod my head, I forgot that we even came on this path to drift in the first place. Now my mind is full of Theo killing people.

The rest of the journey was awkward, the sound of music filled the silent space in between us. I grip onto a few bags of food whilst Matt has a hold of others, we walk into the house and place them on the dining table. Rosanna takes them away from us to set the table with everyones food.

We all eat together, talking about the excitement for our holiday. I barely said a word though, I just can't get the thought that Theo has killed people away from my mind. 

After eating, I go to the kitchen to clean up. 

As I'm drying my hands I hear a concerned Theo behind me. "What happened Savannah?"

I turn and give him a half smile, "Nothing much."

"You've been off with me since you came back. Did I do something wrong?" The worried look on his face softens my heart, I don't want to drag this on.

"I was just speaking to Matt earlier... He just... Have you killed people Theo?"

His expression turns to normal and is tone is flat. "I'm not speaking to you about this."


"The less you know the better."

"How many people have you killed?"

"Why does it matter? Stay out of it please Savannah."

"Apparently you've killed more than Matt, whatever that means."

"Savannah I'm asking you to stop please. How did this even come into conversation?"

I sigh in defeat. I should've known he has killed people and he won't give me details. "Just there was this strange van and Matt threw a glass bottle at it, and I shouted at him and told him he could've killed someone, then he said you've killed more than him so why should I care?"

"What the?" Theo mutters as he walks back to the living room, he searches for Matt and approaches him on the sofa with Adam and Rosanna. I follow closely behind. "The fuck did you do when you went out with Savannah?" 

"What did he do?" My older brother Adam cuts in, protectively.

Matt looks clueless. "What? Some crackheads were driving a stolen van, they kept blocking us and pissing me off. They nearly hit into us so I broke their windscreen."

"How did you break it?" Adam asks.

"I shot a glass bottle, what's the big deal?"

"Why are you doing stupid shit like that in front of my girl? Alone? You're a one man team, if shit went wrong what could you do?" Theo states with a hint of anger.

"I got a gun in the car man."

"What's a gun going to do when they hit into your car? Come on man, don't act like that in front of the girls. Anything can happen. Just swallow your pride and back off next time." Adam says calmly.

Matt switches between looking at Adam and Theo. "You should've seen them. If you were there you'd do the same."

"No I wouldn't, try that shit again and watch what happens." Theo replies raising the tension in the room.

Matt scoffs. "You're threatening me over this?"

"Yeah I am. You're putting my girl in danger."

Matt stands up to be level with Theo but before he can say anything Adam speaks up. "They could've lost control, crashed, you would've been charged for manslaughter. There would've been witnesses and cameras. And Savannah would've been dragged in the middle of it all, you would've ruined her life and traumatised her. Also if they hit into you, then what? Do you want my sisters blood on your hands?"

I didn't think about all of this in the moment.

Matt pauses for a second then sighs. "Shit you're right." His expression changes to regret as he looks over to me. "I'm sorry Sav, that was stupid." The guilt can be heard in his voice.

"Don't worry about it." I reply with a smile. 

He faces Theo. "You too man, sorry for putting your girl in a situation like that."

"It's alright man as long as you know now."

They both smile at each other and hug it out, its quite wholesome to see actually.

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