#5. 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑠

238 14 11

World: Rainbow Quest

Au: Villain au (the one I adopted from LoneRanger :D)

Desc: After getting killed by Light Steve, Sabre was brought back to life by Nightmare Steve, who he then joined forces with. This is basically how he gets his revenge on Light. Sorry I can't really say much about it without spoiling the story before I even finish writing it :,)

TWs: torment/torture, blood, character death




His pale skin now held a twinge of red from the cuffs at his wrists, aching as the chains held his arms to the cold stone wall. His entire body felt heavy as his knees almost reached the floor, dangling from the metal like a wooden puppet. Barely able to eat and barely able to breathe, Light stared into the abyss, confined by shackles of his own making. Sounds fell upon deaf ears, the pain numbed to extinction. Such a noble man, fallen from grace. A shell of who he used to be. His body present, his mind not.

Not too far away, something was approaching. A familiar set of footsteps, eyes hidden behind a cloth. Louder and louder, he draws closer but Light cannot hear a thing. A friend become foe had wandered the hallway, searching for his cell in particular. Calm yet energized, he swiftly made his way to the chamber, taking one good look at the Steve in front of him before unlocking the iron door. Closer and closer he crept until he was merely a few feet away from the unconscious body in front of him. Smiling, he held one hand to Light's forehead, silently waiting as the roar of lightning began to flood in.

~ • ~

Even though the abyss around him wasn't real, he was just as injured and weak as his body in the cell. Laying against the murky ink floor, Light could not see a thing even if he wanted to. In his own eyes, it was as if nothing existed. No sky, no grass, no air... nothing. As if the world ended a long time ago and time stopped before it could kill him. Maybe it already has, maybe it hasn't happened just yet. There was no way to tell and no way to check. There was nothing.

Light let out a quiet groan as his head began to pound once more, the agony resurfacing as quickly as it dissipates. A familiar giggle rang through his mind before slowly erupting into mischievous laughter. With no body to retrace back to, the young man was practically at the mercy of the void, taunted by the same mysterious voice over and over again.

The cell or the void, he thought in defeat, I guess things don't change after all, huh?

"No, they don't."

The voice beamed out with joy. Even as the days had become months and the perception of time had begun to mush together, it could never get tired of Light's strange circumstance. It always awaited another snarky response, another 'You'll never get away with this!' or a 'let me out!' Every struggle and cry for help was like music to its nonexistent ears, a fresh melody for a mind far gone. Even as the soldier's hope began to dwindle like a flame without fuel, it could never get enough. No symphony more satisfying, no revenge more sweet.

"You've already won," Light weakly ushered, "What more do you want..?! You've had your fun! What else could you possibly want with me?!"

The pain came back once more, immediately reaching his head and entire upper body. Thousands upon thousands of distant whispers ringing throughout his mind as the void itself started to claw at his bruised skin. Hundreds of voices screamed at him, drowning out his own thoughts while somehow upbringing the agony through his bones. His heart began to race as nausea settled in, his courage to fight draining faster with each passing second. Every little scar on his body felt as if it would burst open, his throat tightened and closed as he whimpered and cried in pain. His begging could only reach the corners of his mind, however, as his desperate chokes fell upon deaf ears.

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