#1. 𝐶𝑟𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑙

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World: Rainbow Quest

Au: Framed Au??? (I have no clue what to call this I literally just made it on a whim-)

Desc: When Rainbow Steve is given the offer to join forces with Void Steve, he originally declines. Weeks later, rumors are beginning to spread that someone among the steves has been giving the darkness vital information and important artifacts. And when one wrong piece fumbles into place, Rainbow must attest to crimes never committed.

TW: near character death, graphic depiction of injury (?)

P.S: my knowledge of what to put in TWs is super limited so if I miss something, just let me know and I'll put it in asap ^^




I shouldn't be here, Rainbow thought, I did nothing to deserve this...

The same thoughts ringed through his head as he trudged the corridors of the Yellow King's castle, struggling to keep up with the two guards on either side of him. Every step became heavier than the last as he slowly but surely began to fumble behind. His hands were red and ached from the cuffs that chained them together. His once powerful voice had now become nothing but a broken whisper from his pleads that fell upon deaf ears.

With a yank of the chain, Rainbow was suddenly pulled forward. He stumbled on his feet, just narrowly missing the intricate stone wall as he plummeted to the floor. The guard to his left picked him up almost immediately and shoved him in their initial direction as the other held a tight grip on the boy's shoulder. A harsh reminder to pick up the pace.

Despite the newfound pain, Rainbow Steve could not bring himself to struggle more than he already has. It didn't end well last time, and it certainly wouldn't end well now. Instead, all he could do was drag his feet against the old spruce floor and stare at the seemingly endless hallway as he is guided on an unknown path. All he could do was count the seconds as they passed. All he could do was hope he had a chance to see the next day. All he could do—

Just a little longer, he thought, just a few more steps...

—was wait for a miracle.

~ • ~

After what had felt like hours, the guards had finally stopped in front of large intricately-detailed doors, both adorned with painted gold that glistened with a shine. There was not enough time to glance over every little carving before the guards each placed a hand on the respective doorknobs. With a slight moment of hesitation (and a second to make sure Rainbow wouldn't try to go anywhere), the two had swiftly thrown the doors wide open, startling the boy with a loud thud.

Rainbow began to gloss his eyes over the new scene in front of him. The room was filled with guards— at least five stationed at each wall— watching and glaring daggers at the newcomer. As he was lightly pushed and shoved, Rainbow slowly made his way to the center of the room where he was greeted with six familiar faces atop a small yet glamorous platform. Sitting upon their own respective thrones, all six leaders turned their heads at the hollering sound of the door. As if Rainbow's mere existence was a crime in of itself, their previous conversation had quickly come to a halt at the very sight of him. If looks could kill, Rainbow would have been a dead man walking from the stare of one— let alone six leaders. Before the tension could become too high, however, the Orange Leader cleared his throat as he struggled to find the correct words.

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