Kayden Waston... ✨ Part 2 ✨

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Mattheo's POV

(Btw this is before she woke up)

There, she lay on the bed and it was all my fault. She took the knife for me. The metal pierced through her perfect body and made her drop to the floor and faint.

And The person who was behind it was Kayden Waston... He had been on our backs since we entered through the door of Hogwarts but then he started growing farther and farther away. Then we heard someone saying that he had started dating someone and we tried asking him who the girl was, but he just walked away and was secretive about the girl. We guessed he was afraid she would fall in love with us just like every other girl he liked but we never dated them because we were worried about what would happen if we dated them...

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Draco sitting beside me. " Come on, Theo, It's not your fault, she saved your life because she wanted to and it was her choice to jump in front of you! So stop blaming yourself, Theo!" Draco cried.

 My head dropped to my hands. " Draco, She is there laying there! And it's all because of me! You just don't get it! You will never get it! I ruined everyone's life!" I yelled in between cries. Draco got up and cried " Mattheo! Stop acting like you are the only one hurt! We all are! She is Tom's wife! My friend too! So stop fucking acting like you are the only person hurt!". I looked at him then Evelyn.

" I'm sorry, Theo... I just fee- " Draco said but Pansy cut him off by walking in. She looked at Evelyn and then at me. " Where is that mother fucker! I gonna kill him!" Pansy screamed. She slowly started to cry and only got out " She was like my sister... ". She slowly falls to the ground.

- Fast forward -

Blasie was comforting Pansy while she cried in his arms. " Mattheo, it's not your fault" Draco hugged Mattheo. " It is! I killed her... I k-killed her" He cried. Draco let go of me and said" She woke up! She woke up!" Draco ran to Evelyn's bed. I looked up and ran behind Draco. Draco hugged Evelyn" Ah, ouch" She whimpered. 

 " Oh sorry" He got up. " I'm sorry, Evelyn" I sobbed. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I cried. " Mattheo, It's not your fault, I saved because I wanted to...." She said. And that's why I loved her, she doesn't belong with us... but she already bought a ticket and there is no turning back now... 

I snapped out my thoughts when Tom walked toward Evelyn wiping his tears. " Hey, Love" He bites his lip trying to hold in his tears. " Hey, Tom" she extends her arms out from him to hug me. Mattheo and Draco move back to make space for Tom. He cries in my arms. 

" I told you to stay outside... You would be safe in the car..." He said lightly hitting my arms. " Yeah, I know and I'm sorry..." I kissed his temple.

( For the people who didn't know- the temple is on the side of the head behind the eye between the forehead and the ear.)

" Ow," I said in a joking way. " Oh, I'm sorry, Evelyn!" He quickly got up with a sorry face on his face. I laughed at his reaction. " I was joking, Tom," I said in between laughs. Tom smiled and I smiled with him.

Oh, how I missed that smile. She cups his face," You should smile more. You look good with a smile on your face" I smiled. " Umm, Excuse me? I look amazing every day with or without a smile, so I don't what are you talking about" He flipped fake hair. I giggled. " Oh, you are so cute" Evelyn opens her arms for a hug. " Move! It's my turn!" Pansy pushes her way through to Evelyn. 

Evelyn laughs while Pansy tightly hugs her. " Your silly girl! Look at you now! Your laying on a hospital bed!" She lightly screams while crying. " Oh, Pansy, I'm sorry" Evelyn hugs her. "

Hello, Lovelies! I'm so grateful for each and every one of you! You make me who I am and I couldn't be any more grateful! 

Love, Vaniya

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