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Chuu, Yeonjun, Beomgyu and I all gathered up in front of the cashier person who worked behind the snack desk at the movie theater. We had come straight from school on a Thursday so we were all still in our uniforms. A horror movie had just come out and October had just started so we decided to all come watch it.

"Okay, so two large popcorns and two large cokes?" The worker asked to make sure that was all we wanted.

"Yes." Chuu said as she smiled and grabbed one of the big bags of popcorn. Yeonjun then grabbed a coke and both Beomgyu and I grabbed the other things.

We then walked to the ticket person and showed him the tickets before heading to our theater. We all found our seats which were at the very back row.

Chuu and Yeonjun sat next to one another while I sat in the middle of Chuu and Beomgyu. I had the popcorn bag in my lap while the coke was in the drink holder between Gyu and I.

The movie started and it was more of a jump scare type of horror movie. I was pretty good with that type of stuff though since I was super into horror but it had been a while since I had watched anything scary or done anything like that. That in mind, I had ended up jumping at the first jump scare in the movie.

Beomgyu quietly giggled as he put his hand on my right thigh, "You're such a scaredy cat." He says as he gently starts to caress it. 

"No, I'm not. I'm just.. getting warmed up." I shrug.

"Yeah, sure." Beomgyu whispers.

We continue to watch the movie, Beomgyu's hand still on my thigh throughout the film. When the movie finished we all excited the theater and stepped outside into the chilly air. 

"Well, I suppose now is when we split." Yeonjun said and I giggled.

"Yes, I suppose so. See you guys tomorrow." I say before waving at Chuu and Yeonjun, knowing Beomgyu would be coming with me. Chuu and Jun walked there separate ways and now it was just Beomgyu and I. 

Beomgyu grabbed my hand and we started walking back to our homes. As we were walking I felt my phone vibrate in my hand and I looked down at it to see a text from Chuu. I clicked on the notification to make sure everything was okay with her considering we had pretty much just left one another.

chuu soooooo why was beomgyu's hand on ur thigh huhhhhhhh

me i was scared he was just comforting me

me as a friend

chuu whatever u say bae

I smile as I turn my phone off. I glance over to Beomgyu's who's just looking at the semi busy streets ahead of us. He glances over somewhere for a moment before he unexpectedly grabs my hand and pulls me into a small alley in between two buildings. He then pushes me against the wall of one the buildings and presses his lips against mine softly. The both of us started heatedly making out with one another. It was all so sudden but I wasn't complaining.

Beomgyu then pulled away from me a bit, just enough for our lips to break contact but for our noses to still be touching. His eyes were closed as I looked down at his chest, "I wanted to do that all night." He whispers and I catch myself blushing in response, not able to really say anything. 

Beomgyu then pecks my lips once again but before he can do anything more an old woman starts screaming at us from the street. "Hey! You kids better stop! Get out here right now!" She screams at us. 

Beomgyu pulls away from me and I look to see the woman with one of her hands on her hips and the other on her cane. I sighed before Beomgyu took my hand and the both of us walked out to the old woman. 

"What do you think you're doing? You're doing drugs? Ugh, you kids-" She is cut off by Beomgyu.

"Ma'am we weren't doing drugs we were just hanging out." He tells the woman. "This is my girlfriend." He then says.

"Hey~ this is what's wrong with your generation. You get pregnant so young. Are you pregnant young lady?" She then asks me.

Let me just say how utterly confused I was. I didn't even know what to say.

"I don't believe that's your business ma'am." Beomgyu answers for me, sensing my discomfort. "Now we'll be going now." He says before he grabs my hand once again and starts walking off with me. 

Once we turn the corner the two of us look at one another lowkey in disbelief of what just happened. I don't know why old people thought they could stick their noses into other people's business like that. Whatever, I just hope I don't get like that when I'm old. 

Beomgyu looks at me for a moment before he starts laughing and in response I couldn't help but laugh as well at the strange encounter. "That made my night, wow." Beomgyu comments. "Now come on, let's get you home." He says, still giggling.

a/n: bro i haven't uploaded a chapter in like over a week my bad. i was gonna try to upload on wednesday but I had PSATs and was so tired out and then yesterday i was really busy along with every other day of the week soooooo whatever here was chapter nine

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