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It was Monday once again meaning school once again. I walked into the building with Chuu walking right beside me. She was telling me about her weird encounter with this random guy from school this weekend.

We walked into the classroom and immediately sat down, continuing our conversation. That was until Beomgyu and Yeonjun walked into the room. When they did so, Chuu went completely silent.

I looked over at her confused on why she stopped. "What?" I say. Beomgyu then ruffles my hair as he walks by to his desk behind me. "Hey!" I say as I try to fix it.

I look over to Chuu who has her phone out and is typing something. I then get a notification on my phone and I look down to see a text from her. I look over to her for a moment before clicking on the notification.

[chuu] he thinks ur cuteee

Oh right, of course I told my best friend about our night on Friday.

[chuu] he def likes u

[me] i don't know about all that

[chuu] he said ur cute! he didn't say ur hot like most guys would if they were looking for a hookup!! he genuinely likes u!!!! that's only something they say when they mean it fr

[me] the math is not mathing

[me] that doesn't make any sense but wtvr


The next day I walked into my class to see that Chuu wasn't in her seat as usual. I didn't think much of it at first, just thinking she might've gotten held up at home or something with her younger sister. When the bell rang though and she still wasn't here I immediately got my phone out and texted her, asking her where she was. 

[chuu] jun and i skipped school todayyy

I looked behind me to see that Yeonjun was in fact not here. 

[me] wowwwwww

[me] so just abandon me i see how it is

"Phones away everyone." My teacher says and I look up to see Mr. Kim specifically staring at me. I awkwardly smile before sliding my phone into my bag. "Today you're going to be working with you're partners as you analyze and translate this English text I give you." Mr. Kim tells the class. I won't lie, I was pretty decent at English. I mean, I wasn't like amazing or anything but I definitely wasn't bad. "Li Hua and Beomgyu, you guys can work together." Mr. Kim tells us and I nod. 

Everyone then starts to talk to their partners and I look back at Beomgyu, "I'll come to you." I say as I grab my bag and go to his desk, sitting in Yeonjun's seat. "I'm low-key feeling kind of abandoned by Jun and Chuu." I say as I comb my fingers through my hair, getting it out of my face. 

The teacher then places our packets in the middle of the two of the desks and walks away to continue handing out packets. I grab the top packet and Beomgyu grabs the one I left. I write my name romanized, like we were told to do on all of our work in English class. 

"It's not like we haven't done the same thing to them before." Beomgyu says with a smile and I think about the few times we had done the same. 

"I suppose so~" I say as I look down at the paper, slowly reading the English words. "Whatever, let's just get started." I tell Beomgyu. "I'll read it out loud first and then we can go back over it and try to translate it." I suggest and Beomgyu nods. 

As I'm reading the passage I feel Beomgyu staring at me but I just ignore him and finish up the passage. Partly because I wanted to focus on my pronunciation since whenever I spoke in English, my Chinese accent tended to really shine through. Also, partly because I didn't want him to see that I was low-key blushing like crazy. 

Once I'm finished though I look over at Beomgyu who stayed looking at me, "You look pretty." He then says and I'm not even exaggerating my heart stopped for at least .1 seconds. I then felt the butterflies in my stomach and I lightly bit my lip to try and hide the smile that was forming. It failed though and so I just looked down at my lap, feeling flustered from those words. 

I then felt his hand on my chin and he gently brought my face back up so that I was looking at him, "I mean it." Beomgyu says. "Don't hide your smile." He then says, his smile growing even wider. This was.. I don't even know what it was, I was low-key kind of shocked at this burst of... confidence, would it be, from him. 

"Alright, enough flirting back there Beomgyu and get back to work." I hear Mr. Kim's voice from the front of the classroom and my cheeks turns even more red then before. Everyone in the class looks back at the two of us and giggles. 

Beomgyu glances over at me once more before grabbing his packet, "So, I think the first sentence translates to 'America had gone through a big economic problem, along with the rest of the world, called the Great Depression'. Is that right?" Beomgyu asked. 

How could he just act like nothing happened while I was still kind of dying over here. I took a deep breathe before I corrected him, "Wouldn't it be 'a severe economic crisis'?" I ask.


[September 7]

He keeps flirting with me and it's driving me insane. I can't help but wonder if it TRULY means anything. It probably does but I don't want to just come to that conclusion since I like him. 


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