Let's stop this bitch before she ruins everything!!

Start from the beginning

They all then land on the crater they made at the same time.

Suzutani: That was easier to land than I thought

Asami: OW OW my feet!!

Sasaki: Ok, now that we landed can we talk about how dripped out we are?

They then look at each other.

Izumaki: I even have Gunha's jacket!!

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Izumaki: I even have Gunha's jacket!!

Sasaki: Oh jeez, I have the long sleeves Accelerator had when he was not wearing the jacket!!

Mugino: I think I actually would prefer the trench coat, but this is also nice

Asami: My boobs have grown!!

Suzutani: Why are you talking about that around all these boys!!

Kinzaki: This uniform looks so cool!!

They then see a few demons approaching them, and they smirk.

Sasaki: How about we dispose of some trash, shall we?

Everyone: With pleasure

They then destroyed all of the monsters, and they start walking inside the kingdom.

Sasaki: So how do we prevent the problem?

Kinzaki: If I remember we might have to deal glass and her team

Suzutani: There should be another world arc, right?

Sasaki: How about the red head?

Mugino: If memory serves me right, tomorrow after they pick each other's team to go to. She is the only one to go to Naofumi's team

Suzutani: Do you think he took my warning seriously?

Izumaki: In all probability, He may have not taken consideration to it at all

Suzutani: (Sigh) I just wish for him to not suffer

Sasaki: Right...

They then keep walking until they reach gate.

Sasaki: Guys wait I want to see if we have those forms from the light novel

Izumaki: Oh right!!

Sasaki: Ok guys stand back

They all stand back since they knew Accelerator's capabilities.

Sasaki: Here goes nothing

Black wings then sprouted from Sasaki's back and start twisting and flapping it lightly destroyed the ground where he stood.

Black wings then sprouted from Sasaki's back and start twisting and flapping it lightly destroyed the ground where he stood

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