잊기 쉬운/oblivious (english version)

20 4 0

Loud bangs on my gates,
Enough to let me inform,
It's time to go.

Sky getting pitch black outside,
No illumination can't reach
Here, my expanse,my heart.

The time and this place is
Unknown to me.

I hear water dropping
From somewhere
And my morose,dry cheeks are
Suddenly soaked.

Dirty smell extending my room,
Spreading from a dead figure,
That one who is gone.

Leaves seem falling down outside
But it's already demolished totally
Here,my expanse,my heart.

The weather and this place is
Unknown to me.

I hear smashing sound
From somewhere
And my reflection in the
Very old mirror looks messed up.

Tell me where I am now?
Tell me when I came here?
Tell me how I end up?

I was oblivious of these.

[130 words]

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